[Peace] Urgent help needed for WEFT fest

rohloff rohloff at students.uiuc.edu
Fri Sep 5 13:16:00 CDT 2003

Howdy all. At the very last minute, AWARE may be having a table at WEFT fest. 
This requires some last-minute volunteers.

I will be packing up the farmers market stuff around 12 pm, and will bring the 
table, literature, tent, and misc items over to the WEFT fest site around 
12:15. I need some people to help me lug stuff from my car, set up,etc. Carl 
has volunteered to sit behind the table around 1 pm (when his radio show is 
over), but help is needed from 12-1 and later in the afternoon to relieve 
Carl. I cannot stay the afternoon,because I will be at farmer's market all 
morning, but I will return at 6 pm to pick up the stuff.

This will not happen unless a few people email me back and volunteer ASAP!

Thanks, Peter

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