[Peace] Re: [Peace-discuss] AWARE Agenda for September 14

Dlind49 at aol.com Dlind49 at aol.com
Sat Sep 13 08:07:27 CDT 2003

with the upcoming attacks on Iran set up given that U.S. troops now have 
surrounded Iran with trops in Iraq, Afghanistan, and soviet republics and persian 
gulf the nuclear deadline set for October it may be advisable to start making 
plans on how to stop the next attacks.  but this effort must be based on 
understanding how these jerks think- please read Foreign Affairs journal over last 
few years- and what will hinder or stop them from implementing long standing 
and ready plans. the broken military and VA  medical system, extremely high and 
increasing casualty rates and defective equipment can stop them or make them 
slow dow, but we need to get this uinto general public knowledge.  

please see:

www.cdc.org  then search for february 1999 gulf war linness conference

and follow all of the links.

time is running out on stopping planned invasions / attacks on both Iran and 

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