[Peace] AWARE minutes

Gabriel Stanton ggstanto at hotmail.com
Sun Sep 14 22:31:43 CDT 2003

AWARE minutes 9/14/03

Facilitator: David Green
Time Keeper: David Green et al.
Notes: Gabe Stanton

News of the Week - Carl Estabrook 16 minutes

Noam Chomsky Linguist /World Reknowned Peace Activist to be touring 
Bloomington Illinois October 7th.  Plans to provide rides are forthcoming.

Bush asked Congress for 87 billion dollars more to fight the War on 
Terrorism which is 10X the amount spent on environmental problems
$6 Billion of that money is to be classified(No information about where its 
going to) Congress had already approved 79 Billion to rebuild Iraq.

George Bush now has the lowest approval rating since he first came into 
office. 60% of those polled said that he is doing a fair to poor job of 
leading the country. Only 40% would vote for him a second term.

Amnesty International report called for an end the assasination of 
Palestinian leaders, the expansion of settlements.

Report on the crisis in the Occupied Territories-Al Kagan and David Green

Gush Shalom (Jewish Peace Organization that supports ending the occupation 
and the rights of Palestinians to rule themselves.) - Reported that the 
Sharon Government wants to kill Yasir Arafat.
  The U.S.  response was negative but weak. No threats of cutting off aid 
were made if Israel followed through with its threats. Thus Israeli Gov’t 
stated that it is only a practical question of how to remove him.
Israel is not acting alone but is supported by U.S. Gov’t.  Bush 
Administration and Sharon Gov’t rely on terrorism in order to stay in power.

AWARE is considering an emergency protest if Arafat is removed from the 
Occupied Territories.

Sharon Coeurvie - AWARE should have public messages to inform folks about 
Israel’s Aggression, Occupation of Iraq etc.
lawn signs, bill boards and getting local businesses to put up signs are 
Letters to the editor can be effective.

David Green - How should AWARE respond to the U.S. Occupation of Iraq. Ask 
for Complete withdrawal of troops and entry of U.N. Or should we not ask for 
the UN’S help?

Flyer by Phyllis Bennis of the Institute of Policy Studies addresses why 
Bush’s plan for new role for the UN in reconstruction is flawed and what 
should be done to give the Iraqi people the best chance for survival out 
from under the control of U.S. And U.K.  Find it at (www.fpif.org)

Carl-paraphrasing article in recent The Nation - Kofi Annan put into power 
with U.S. Influence and therefore U.N. Is under U.S. Control
         another article by Jonathan Schell in Sept 22 issue “Leter from 
Ground Zero” U.S. Has to leave Iraq. Cost will be greater to stay and no one 
should imagine a democracy in Iraq any time soon.

Linda et al.- Iraqis are most afraid of U.S. Soldiers.  Reconstruction of 
Afghanistan went awry because U.S. Armed and funded warlords. It is going to 
be hard to convince American people that U.S. Has to end the occupation of 
Iraq without rebuilding it.

Doug -We should agree to disagree on role of UN

Jay Mittenthal -Friday night with Bill Moyers highly recommended.  George 
Sorrells said Iraq is the least likely place for democracy.

Carl- everyone in AWARE agrees Iraqis should have a popular gov’t (make own 
choices) and U.S. And U.K. Must leave.

Activism against campus engineering recruitment fair for war machine 
manufacturers - Mike Simon

200 + flyers handed out over 2 days about the link between Bush 
administration corporate interests(Halliburton) and war

Trial of Lori at Peaceful demonstration-Lori Serb
   found guilty of resisting arrest(she was tackled from behind by officer) 
City ordinance charge means that they don’t need as much evidence. None of 4 
witnesses who said they did not hear officer announce himself were deemed 
credible.  Her lawyer Harvey Welch filed a post trial motion on 9/12.

This Friday Sept 19th at 1:30 in courtroom D of county courthouse on Vine 
St.. She faces a heavy fine and is accepting donations

Farmer’s Market-Peter Absentia- $66 for button/bumper sticker sales

IMC info needed-Carol Mckusick- Stock IMC with new AWARE flyers for 
distribution or copying

Finance and P4P-Gabe Stanton- No decision about whether to protest more 
frequently than once a month. Depends on response. More to come.

$159 deposit from last weeks events. 105 dollars was paid to Janet Wesse for 
buttons and bumper stickers

Al Kagan      Next week before AWARE meeting Sunday 21 (3- 5PM) Professors 
Sundiata Ch__ and David Roedigger will give a talk about Racism and ways to 
combat it. Check WILL website about Bob McChesney’s show for interview on 
his show.

Lisa Chason New Public I out with info on Libraries. Public I needs 
writers/contributors meetings Thursdays at 5:30 PM

Carol Innskeep- Kathy Kelly and the Voices in the Wilderness coming to CU 
Monday Sept 29th.  Flyer distributed.  Events include 10AM on WILL AM 580 
Noon Rally on Quad. 4PM at University YMCA 7-9 Town meeting at Champaign 
Public Library- Flyers should be distributed Douglass Library, Urban League

Lesson Plans for Peace Education-Jay Mittenthal
Quakers recommend that Ideas should be brought to Israel Palestine Center 
for Research (www.IPCRI.org)

Sing along with Sweet Honey and the Rock Singer Ysae Barnwell! Spiritual, 
folk and music to move your soul-Carol Innskeep

Last Word-Gabe- The Prince Myshkins played a great show in Allen Hall! Keep 
your eyes open for their new CD.

Fast, faster, fastest: Upgrade to Cable or DSL today!   

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