[Peace] off topic- temporary employment suggestions

ppatton at uiuc.edu ppatton at uiuc.edu
Fri Dec 3 22:44:00 CST 2004

I appologize for the off topic post.  I am hoping someone on 
the list may be able to help me with this.  I am looking for 
a source of temporary employment.  The grant which funds my 
salary as a Research Scientist at Beckman Institute has now 
ended.  I have a source of income for the spring, but then 
nothing.  We have another grant submitted which is intended 
to pay my salary, but, *if funded* it would not do so for 11 
months after that.  I've already looked at the obvious 
options, like teaching at Parkland College or getting an 
academic hourly position at U of I.  If someone out there can 
suggest other options, please do so off the list.  Sorry 
again about the off topic post.
-Paul Patton
Dr. Paul Patton
Research Scientist
Beckman Institute  Rm 3027  405 N. Mathews St.
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign  Urbana, Illinois 61801
work phone: (217)-265-0795   fax: (217)-244-5180
home phone: (217)-344-5812
homepage: http://netfiles.uiuc.edu/ppatton/www/index.html

"The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious.  It is the
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-Albert Einstein

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