[Peace] AWARE MEETING minutes 12/19/04

robscott at freeshell.org robscott at freeshell.org
Sun Dec 19 22:09:28 CST 2004

AWARE MEETING notes 12/19/04

Rob Scott -a brutal notetaker, sometimes insensitive to nuance.

The meeting begins!

Carl Estabrook reads the news of the week.

Current projects:

Finances - we've got some money, but no treasurer this week.
Tabling at the mall - still in this process, chugga chugga...
CU Citizens for Peace and Justice -
 	Feb 18-20 is "Forgiveness Weekend" --
 	a weekend workshop on felony disenfranchisement,
 	and how minor felons can clear their name and move on!
 	2nd choice for location: Salem Church
 	1st choice for location: Eastland Suites - food, small rooms...
 	$4000 would get us the 1st choice Eastland Suites
Media - Randall going forward with getting antiwar, etc. on UPTV
 	Meetings every Thursday at noon at Jerusalem Restaurant
 	Sandra says "hey, support local media, join the IMC!"
Prospect Ave. Protest for Peace
 	Jan. 8 - second Saturday of 2005 2-4pm
Columbia Week - Danielle Shumacher is organizing
 	a weeklong set of events to raise awareness of Plan Columbia
 	and figure out what we want to do about this
 	this will likely be on campus, student-group funded.
 	dates yet to be chosen, more to come, working group forming
 	see previous post
Campaign for Police Review Board - moving forward
 	It sounds like Putnam said she's for the police review board.
 	this week the group went to County Board meeting and spoke
 	about the rash of suicides in the County Jail.
Palestinian speaker - Mort
 	A man named Kumzayeh (sp) will come and speak,
 	he can touch on a number of issues
 	sometime in February, more to come...
University High Group - on hiatus, winter break
 	counter-inaugeration plans for Jan.
Prison Suicide - people went to the County Board meeting and spoke
 	Aaron Ammons, Steven Hartnett, and Danielle Shumacher
 	County Board says they're talking about it, uh-huh
 	Lots of strategies discussed.

New ideaahs

Eyes Wide Open - Carol wants to bring this art event to town
 	1000 pairs of empty army boots are set up outdoors
 	and items are placed around for people to look at
 	they come with Iraq vets, watch after the installation, etc.
 	They need $1000 up front come this summer,
 	we'd get $500 of that back when they leave.
 	a project of the American Friends Service
 	possibly a working group forming, more soon...
White Geese Project - Rob's proposal
 	white people sticking their neck out to fight racism
 	a group offering itself, so that when local communities of color
 	are fighting racism, if they want a flock of white people to
 	show up and stick their necks out to help,
 	they know they could call this group.
 	meeting this wednesday, 8pm, at 122 Franklin St., Urbana
 	Franklin St. is west off of Broadway, north of University
 	the house at the end of the dead end on the right

Events of the past week

Ivan Ruiz's case - petition delivered.
 	now there's a special prosecutor, we'll see what's next.
Books to Prisoners - Sandra says: we've got books!
 	now we can mail them to prisoners.

Upcoming events

NAACP - first election postponed
 	national NAACP cancelled the illegitimate election.
 	the news is: NO election on Dec. 21 2004
 	rescheduling to January or February

typos, omissions, etc. welcome,
    ..er, correction:  corrections welcome, omissions not welcome. -Rob

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