[Peace] Keep in touch with the media reform movement

Robert W.McChesney rmcchesney at freepress.net
Thu Dec 16 13:27:58 CST 2004

Dear friend of media reform,

For some time now, I've been sending you occasional updates on media policy and activism, connected to the group I co-founded called Free Press (www.freepress.net).

The media reform movement is exploding in the United States on issues such as combating consolidated media ownership, supporting noncommercial and independent media, opposing hyper-commercialism, and ensuring the Internet stays true to its democratic promise. We will continue to send out messages to our e-activists every two or three weeks in the coming months on these issues.

If you do *not* wish to receive any more e-mails from me or Free Press, please click here: http://www.freepress.net/remove.php

Media are failing to provide Americans with the information they need to participate in a democracy. Investigative journalism is declining along with the range of political debate. Cheap reality shows and commercialism are on the rise. Real debate and analysis have been trumped by sound byte, spin, and an obsession with celebrity and unimportant controversies like the Swiftboat Veterans and "Rathergate." Our media system is dominated by a handful of giant corporations that care far less about the public interest than their bottom line.

You will begin receiving e-mail actions and updates every two or three weeks unless you unsubscribe. There's never been a more critical time to fight for a better media. I hope you will stay with us.


Robert W. McChesney
Founder & President
Free Press

P.S. We never share our e-lists, or the emails of those who have unsubscribed, with anyone else, ever. To see our privacy policy, visit: http://www.freepress.net/privacy.php

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