[Peace] Cheney on Peak Oil and supply problems.

ndahlhei at uiuc.edu ndahlhei at uiuc.edu
Wed Jul 28 01:40:43 CDT 2004

I have talked about Peak Oil and the War on Terror a great 
deal lately.  Here is another paper that cites a Dick Cheney 
speech given in London to the London Institute of Petroleum 
in the fall of 1999.


Consider that in the last 60-70 years, nearly every major 
recession can be strongly linked to oil supply and delivery 
shocks.  Oil (and of course H20) is the most fundamental 
resources in driving industrial society, including its 
agriculture.  Destablized oil prices in the wake of a 
terminal decline in world oil production beginning somewhere 
in the neighborhood of 2010-2015 will likely then wreak 
economic and environmental devastation.  Is it any wonder 
that the government, especially under the direction of Bush 
has passed so many laws that have obliterated civil 
liberties? Is it any wonder that they have engaged in 
massive war propoganda and have turned political opponents 
of the murderous policies of this government into 
terrorists?  With the elites and the super-rich banks and 
multi-national corporations that benefit from industrial 
capitalism aware of the coming energy crunch, the 
militarization of society doesn't spell good news for peace 
and justice here at home.  We must face these systemic 
realities facing modern industrial society and the dangerous 
times in which we live.  Our liberties are not safe, peace 
seems like a pipe dream considering the group of leaders in 
Washington, and dark days appear to be ahead before the 
light comes back more fully into view.  America could very 
well be descending into fascism (after all we learned in 
2000 just how rigged our elections are and how electronic 
voting threatens more fraud this round in November).  Now is 
the time to look at our society as its foundations rot in a 
quagmire of materialism and militarism.  We must face this 
world and help our loved ones and the whole human family, in 
particular the vulnerable and poor members, to cope with the 
realities we face.  The world is what we make of it.  We can 
face the darkness and shine it with the light of truth, 
justice, and peace.

I hope I haven't sounded too preachy, but I am hoping with 
every e-mail I send on this subject that people feel 
inspired to think more about these issues.  You people at 
AWARE seem very committed to developing and implementing 
principles of peace and justice, and you all seem to care 
about the world. I hope and pray that all of your curiosity 
about the world comes to bear and that you keep on fighting 
the good fight.

                   All good your way,
                   Nick Dahlheim

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