[Peace] Aware minutes 3/14/04

Walling, Jennifer jwalling at law.uiuc.edu
Sun Mar 14 19:25:08 CST 2004


Here are the meeting minutes from tonight.  Please correct anything that I
missed especially the event listing at the end.

Thanks for letting me take notes ;)
-Jen Walling

AWARE meeting minutes 3/14/04

I.  Intros ~ 27 people
Facilitator - Peter

II.  News of the week (Carl)
(Carl will send headlines?  Did I catch that right?)
Other headlines
Howard Stern's Bush bashing
Spanish right-wing government voted out
Plan crash in Zimbabwe 

III.  Aware reports
a.  Treasurer's report - Linda
Current amount in account - $1,895.76
Big expenses - $208 to WEFT and $225 to Will (underwriting programs?)
Linda passed around a budget sheet.

b.  Tasers - Mike 
1.  Community meeting
(from his e-mail)
MONDAY, MARCH 15, 2004 
6PM - 8PM 
Chief of police will be at the community meeting
Someone from the law school will talk about this as a civil rights issue
People from Urban league will speak
2.  City council
Study session will be March 23rd.  There will be a straw poll vote at this
meeting so it's good to have as many people out as possible.
Current Votes - Rosales, Ennen - against Tasers, Pirok - for, Bruno -
Everybody write letters to the city council members
3.  Other news on Tasers
The pro-tasers people have ads on WILL.
Specific problems with tasers- No set of procedures for use or amount of
electricity used.

C.  Prospect for Peace
Last P4P has ~20 people.
Next P4P - first Sat. in April, 2-4PM
Meeting with lawyer has been postponed.
Committee will speak to lawyer about incidents with police specifically
inconsistent interpretation of city legislation regarding flyering, lack of
satisfaction with response.

D.  Chief 
Al - Rally night before the BOT meeting was impressive.  Lots of people.
Chancellor spoke against it.  At the BOT meeting, three spoke for, three
against.  No vote taken
The student trustee was going to introduce a resolution at the April
meeting.  BOT cancelled April meeting.

New Co-sponsor - Champaign County ACLU
Chuck D is coming April 9.
Community forum at the Douglas Center 2nd or 3rd week in April.
Possible advisory referendum in the city of Champaign
For more info visit www.prairienet.org/cprb or join the list serve (go to
lists.groogroo.com and click on CPRB)

F.  March 20th event
1.  Carol passed out fliers with the following info
Saturday, march 20th, 3PM Urbana Middle School (1201 S. Vine in Urbana),
Music, Poetry, and featured speaker Dr. Mohammad al-Heeti.
Followed by a Peace Walk from the UMS to the Champaign County Courthouse
4PM Anti-war rally with City Councilwoman Danielle Chynoweth, activist Imani
Bazzell, and Meg Miner

2.  Issues with event
- Urbana Middle School needs liability insurance which will cost ~$200 for
this one hour event.  But we should go ahead with it since so much
advertising had been done.
- City won't let AWARE hold their rally at the courthouse.  Blanket ban on
protests there.  Carol will speak to person in Public Works about alternate
locations.  Not being allowed to rally at courthouse is something that
should be discussed with a lawyer.
3.  Program detail by Charlotte - Pass out name and description of Iraqis
and US soldiers who have died.

G.  Taste of Champaign application due by April 2nd.
Linda will look into filling out the forms and getting a table.

VI.  Co-sponsorship requests
1.  Students for Environmental Concerns Benefit Concert - Info
The event will be Thursday, April 15 from 6:30-12:00 PM in the Courtyard
Cafe at the Union.  Three local bands, Green Mountain Grass, The Apollo
Project, and Nadafinga will play.  The event will benefit the Illinois
Student Environmental Network, a local environmental organization that works
to help environmental groups on our campus and across the state, and
Students for Environmental Concerns' Earth Day Fund.
Co-sponsors will be asked to advertise the event to their group.  In return,
co-sponsors will be able to set up a table advertising their group and be
listed on all press regarding the event.  Although the event may be too loud
to talk to attendees while the bands play, there will be plenty of time to
talk to attendees between bands.  Setup starts at 5PM.  
Yes to co-sponsorship.

2.  Campus Greens to bring Chuck D, rapper from Public Enemy to campus
April 9, 2004 from 7-9 PM, Foellinger, to speak about racial profiling,
diversity, and police issues
Jen Walling, Outreach coordinator from Campus Greens passed out info.
More info on Chuck D at www.kepplerassociates.com/speakers/chuckd.asp
The Campus Greens would like AWARE to co-sponsor and make a donation of $50
to help us pay.
Co-sponsors will have their name on all advertisements, can table at the
event, will be able to provide ushers, can have 10 seats roped off for them,
will receive a few discounted tickets to fundraising dinner after the show.
Yes to co-sponsorship and $50 for funding.

V.  Events (Please watch e-mail for further info on these.  I didn't catch
all of the details).
1.  Event to benefit Oxfam to be held at the middle school by high school
members of Amnesty International, Student Senate, Sat. April 3rd from 5-7
2.  7PM today - Vigil for Peace on the Quad
3.  Mar. 15 - Kucinich to speak at the Union at 8.  6PM VEGAN Potluck at
University YMCA with Kucinich
4.  Mar. 15 - 6-8PM  Community Forum at Mt. olive Baptist Church (see above)
5.  Mar. 16 - primaries (visit www.champaigncountyclerk.com to view your
ballot beforehand)
6.  March 18 - Iraq war panel - IPRH 4PM
7.  March 20 event (see above)
8.  April 1 - Veterans and their families speak out against the war
9.  April 7, etc. - Carl Estabrook to speak at Channing Murray
10.  April 23rd - Amy Goodman
11. April 30-May 2nd - Liberation Education Conference
12.  April 14 - Hash Wednesday on the quad. 12-1 speakers, Teach-ins 2-4.
More info and co-sponsorship request to come
13.  Mar. 15 Kucinich will be on Focus 580 at 11, also speaker from
Kucinich's campaign at law school at 4:30
14.  Counterpunch.org editor coming in 3 weeks

VI.  Etc.
Possible fundraiser?

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