[Peace] (Fwd) 1% for Peace Referendum

blue2 at net66.com blue2 at net66.com
Thu Mar 25 09:26:37 CST 2004

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Bill Scheurer, a candidate who ran for Congress in the eighth CD on a
platform of peace, and lost, has a plan to keep peace on the IL ballot in
November.  It is no small idea and warrants a look.  Please visit the
web page below and ask yourself if you would like the referendum on
the ballot in November:


Getting the referendum on the ballot will not cost money; however, it
will demand an effort.  I am excited about this idea for several
1.. As Bill says, regardless of who the Democratic or Republican
  candidates for President are, people will be given the opportunity
  to vote directly for peace.  Neither Bush nor Kerry will be offering
  plans for real peace during this election season. 
2.. It will be another opportunity to build our movement by going 
  door to door and speaking with our neighbors. 
3.. If we succeed in getting the referendum on the ballot, we will get 
  media coverage. 
4.. If we get the referendum on the ballot, people will become more 
  conscious of the amounts of money we are spending on the military. 
5.. If we get enough people in the state to vote for the referendum, it would
  provide Congressmen with a tool of debate for the proposal for a
  permanent institute of peace in our federal government.  Even if the
  referendum gets less than 50%, it could be the beginning of setting
  our priorities toward security through means other than war. 
6.. It is almost completely risk free and can go national in 21 other states [which
  enable their citizens to initiate non-binding advisory referendums to be placed on
  the ballot].

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