[Peace] Prospect for Peace report

Ricky Baldwin baldwinricky at yahoo.com
Sun Jan 9 13:56:13 CST 2005

This Saturday on North Prospect we had 23 at the
demonstration, including at least three who have never
been there before.  

Response was generally positive, I thought, and the
new signs were welcome.  Some emphasized the "anti-war
majority" theme discussed at the meeting.  Others
freshened up ongoing themes.  Jan and Durl set out
some new yard signs with a
support-the-troops-by-bringing-them-home theme.  They
all looked good.

The next demonstration is scheduled for Saturday
February 5 from 2-4 pm, same place: NW corner of North
Prospect and Marketview right in front of Red Lobster.

It was cold this Saturday.  I suggest dressing about
one notch warmer than you think you'll need.

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