[Peace] Dividing Wall program Sat 29th

Dan Schreiber dan at sourcegear.com
Tue Jan 25 13:52:28 CST 2005

There will be a program next Saturday at 7:00pm the Mennonite Church about
the dividing wall being built in the West Bank.  A local woman from Gibson
City named Char Smith will be speaking about her experiences there last fall
as a member of a Christian Peacemaker Team.

Below is the information from the flier:

A View to the West Bank

“The Dividing Wall”
Understanding the impact of Israel’s security fence in the West Bank on the
lives of Palestinians

Char Smith
Christian Peacemaker Team Member, who was in the West Bank in Fall 2004

Saturday, January 29th, 2005
7 p.m.
First Mennonite Church
At Springfield and Lincoln

The Dividing Wall, a 20 minute video by Mennonite Central Committee,
explores the humanitarian, social and political impact of the Israeli-built
“security fence.”  The barrier, which will run about 430 miles, is a series
of walls and electrified and razor-wire fences meandering through the
occupied territories.  It separates Palestinians from their land, water,
jobs, families and friends.  Increasing numbers of Israelis are questioning
whether this “separation wall” will actually bring lasting security to

Christian Peacemaker Teams (CPT) offers an organized, nonviolent alternative
to war and other forms of lethal inter-group conflict. CPT provides
organizational support to persons committed to faith-based nonviolent
alternatives in situations where lethal conflict is an immediate reality or
is supported by public policy.

CPT seeks to enlist the response of the whole church in conscientious
objection to war, and the development of nonviolent institutions, skills and
training for intervention in conflict situations. CPT projects connect
intimately with the spiritual lives of its constituent congregations. Gifts
of prayer, money and time from these churches under gird CPT peacemaking

Char Smith, who lives in Gibson City, Illinois, was a member of CPT in the
West Bank in Fall 2004.  After the video presentation, she will be talking
about why she joined CPT and her experience in the West Bank. The event will
include time for discussion and questions.

For more information, contact Trudy Good at tgood at soltec.net
Please contact Trudy Good if childcare is needed.

An educational event sponsored by
The Peace and Justice Initiative

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