[Peace] AWARE Minutes, July 10, 2005

David Green davegreen84 at yahoo.com
Mon Jul 11 19:24:47 CDT 2005

AWARE Minutes

July 10, 2005

Facilitator: Durl Kruse

Minutes: David Green

Time: Bob Illyes

1. News of the Week – Carl Estabrook: Posted

2. Introductions: About 25 eventually present; we were
glad to hear from Annette and James regarding their
motivations for attending our meeting for the first
time. The issue of religion and politics was raised,
and such a discussion should continue at some point.

3.  New ideas:

David Green distributed 2 pamphlets, a new one on “War
is the Health of the State,” with quotes from various
antiwar writers; and a revision of Paul Patten’s
pamphlet on nuclear weapons policy, in preparation for
Hiroshima Day, August 6th. 

David Green also discussed his attendance at a
regional conference of End the Occupation, of which
AWARE is a member group. For a summary of this
conference, see

Rachel Corrie’s parents, Craig and Cindy, spoke at
this conference, along with members of the Nasrallah
family, whose home was defending when she was killed
by an Israeli soldier driving a Caterpillar bulldozer.
For information on the specific issue of Divestment,
and more specifically, divestment from Caterpillar,
see www.stopcat.org. 

A time change for the weekly meeting was briefly
discussed, and Linda Evans agreed to send out an
e-mail survey on members’ views on this before any
proposals or actions are taken. Child care remains an
issue that prevents attendance for some at the current

We will be having a 3rd-Saturday Main Event this
Saturday, July 16th, from 6 to 8 at the corner of Main
& Neil in downtown Champaign. Matt Murrey will copy
“Wait a Minute” fliers, and David Green will provide
“War is the Health of the State” fliers. A table will
be set up with literature on the sidewalk.

The issue of placing NAACP or Urban League literature
on our table--if such literature indeed exists—was
discussed. On one hand, we need to reach out to the
African-American community; on the other hand, the
NAACP is in disarray, and being run in autocratic
fashion, according to some. 

Bob Illyes asked for submission of Public Square
commentaries to him for inclusion in the Public I. Al
Kagan, Ricky Baldwin, and David Green have
commentaries pending, Al’s this week (Friday, 4:45 &
6:45, AM-580).

Liberal/conservative tango: Indigo,  a long-time
friend of AWARE who now lives in Seattle but is
visiting for the summer, suggested that AWARE members
learn to Tango, and transition from the intimacy of
the dance to politics. It was not suggested that we
transition from politics to dance at AWARE meetings,
however. You can learn to tango this Saturday at Verdi
Gallery, 8 p.m.

4. Working Groups:

Finance: $3289.

Farmers Market: It was proposed that we need a flier
with just basic AWARE event/time/place information.
Our sales have continued to be upwards of $100 per

Counter-recruitment: Carol has distributed a draft of
the proposal for the Parkland scholarship/grant on the
AWARE e-mail list. Contact Carol at
carolinskeep at yahoo.com

AWARE Presents: Three ideas were presented and
approved at the working group meeting for upcoming
events the Urbana Free Library: 

1. Prince Myshkins (satire duo with local roots)
2. Mohammed al-Heeti, local Iraqi-American who has
visited Iraq several times in the past few years,
including since the invasion.
3. A forum on Exit Strategy from Iraq, including
positions of “stay the course,” “conditional
withdrawal,” and “immediate withdrawal” (my words).

The next meeting of the AP working group will at the
Kruses’ home, Tuesday, August 2nd.

Hiroshima Day - Carol: On August 6th, there will be a
speaker and candlelight program at Westside Park,
Champaign, sponsored by nine local religious

5. Events of the Past Week:

4th of July parade was highly successful and effective
at drawing responses positive, negative, and
perplexed. Hundreds of Deception $ and Cost of War
fliers were handed out on the side. Thanks to Paul
King and Meg Miner both for wearing the military
uniforms and for responding to criticism in the
Letters section of the News-Gazette.

Carl Estabrook will be playing 2 hours of Noam Chomsky
on this Wednesday, July 13th, at 8 p.m. on WEFT.

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