[Peace] painting the post office - got a few hours to spare?

Danielle Chynoweth chyn at ojctech.com
Sun Jun 12 22:31:07 CDT 2005

Thanks to every one who helped paint the postmaster's room today!  

We still need painters for next Saturday and Sunday 11am - 5pm (come for 
part or all). If the weekend doesn't work, we also have "on your own" jobs 
you could do during the week.  Got 2-3 hours to spare?  Let me know.

We need about 30 people total.  This is who we've got so far:

David and "The Captain"
Todd R
Dave J
Darrin (?)

Chris Evans

E-mail me to help: chyn at ojctech.com.

Thanks goes out to today's painters: 
david g, todd r, darrin, bob i, zoe g, danielle, phil, julio


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