[Peace] AWARE Minutes, June 19, 2005

David Green davegreen84 at yahoo.com
Mon Jun 20 17:44:55 CDT 2005

AWARE Minutes: June 20, 2005

Happy Father's Day!

1. News of the Week (Carl Estabrook): The war is going
terribly, and our government doesn’t care. Neither
does the Washington Post, which sarcastically covered
John Conyers hearings on Thursday.

2. Introductions: About 20 present

Facilitator: Bob Illyes
Time: Susan Davis
Minutes: David Green

3. New Ideas:

We are working on devising a strategy with which to
leverage WILL about airing Democracy Now!, especially
in relation to federal cutbacks and their need for
revenue from a broader group of people, which may help
to encourage them to air more alternative programming.
It was suggested that we consult with insider
activists like Kim Krannich and Bob McChesney before
taking any action. It was suggested that AWARE should
act as a group rather than individuals in this matter,
also emphasizing that many of our members are Friends
of WILL.

The News-Gazette printed three letters today (Sunday),
criticizing Senator Durbin for his comments comparing
the brutality of Guantanamo, etc., to Nazi Germany,
Soviet Union, Cambodia, etc. Folks are encouraged to
write a letter defending the Senator, pointing out
that the facts that constitute his complaint are
correct, and are not made any prettier just because
our government’s behavior does not constitute

Bob Whalfeldt has already sent a letter in response to
the closing the Danville War Museum because someone
there disagrees with Durbin’s comments. This letter
was circulated.

It was suggested that we need a Counter-Recruitment
Swat Team to appear on short notice at places where
recruiters are present. SWAT stand for Stop War and

A future AWARE Presents might include a debate between
someone from the American Legion or VFW, to bring in a
wider audience. At any rate, it was suggested that
there be one more event during the summer.

Public Square has not had submissions, so folks are
encouraged to make one. There will be a working group
meeting in the near future to organize a series of
commentaries from Awareniks.

4. Working Groups

Farmers Market: lively interaction, over $100

Taste of Champaign:

It remains to be seen whether we will have a space
there. If so, we will emphasize counter-recruitment
literature, and Matt is updating his “Wait a Minute”
flier. I have a new “War is the Health of the State”
flier with anti-war quotes, and there will be plenty
of postcards. If we do get a space, we will be able to
leave the stuff overnight, but the last person(s)
there on Friday and Saturday will be responsible for
packing it up in boxes, putting the lids on, and
covering the boxes and tables with a tarp, which I
will provide. We still need a couple of people to set
up on Friday afternoon—again, if we do get a space.

Carol Inskeep is going to have a page for a
recruitment contract blown up and laminated for

Fourth of July:

Many roles have been assigned, and it promises to be a
fun occasion. We need a drummer, some kids to play
urchins, perhaps a nurse, teacher, librarian, etc.
Deception dollars are on the way.

Counter-recruitment: Will report soon on fellowship
grant to Parkland student.

No finance report.

5. Past Week:

The ACLU/Ed Yohnka event went well, although it was
covered in jaundiced fashion by Channel 15. Thanks for
the great effort by Durl et al to publicize it widely,
which resulted in a turnout of close to 100.

6. Upcoming:

Many religious groups planning to observe
Hiroshima-Nagasaki days, August 6, 9.

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