[Peace] AWARE Minutes July30

David Harley harleyrd at sbcglobal.net
Thu Aug 3 17:08:09 CDT 2006

As Carl was out of town the news section was lead by Mort.  The principle 
topic was the situation in Lebanon.  There was a report of a 24 hour cease 
fire which has proven to be partially accurate.  A recent times interview 
of Hassan Nasrallah and an article in The Nation by Jonathan Schell were 
discussed as back ground for understanding the situation in Lebanon.

Three members of a University of Illinois social work class were in 
attendance this week.  Three AWARE members had given a presentation for 
their class and had invited them to attend a meeting.  They seemed 
favorable impressed by both the meeting and the presentation.

Plans for a pot luck dinner were discussed, tentatively it will be at the 
Kruse's on Labor Day.

Plans were discussed for CU Days (Aug. 12) and the Sweet Corn Festival 
(Aug. 26).  We will Table at both events, but will not table at Farmer's 
Market on those days.

There was nothing to report for those working to develop student groups.

There was no progress to report on the billboard project.  The company now 
claims that we do not qualify as a tax exempt 501 group.  Durl will 
continue to explore this matter.  Placing advertisements in busses was 
discussed.  Plans are to find out what the cost would be.

It was suggested that we need some new fliers.  It was reported that Ricky 
and David Green are working on some.

AWARE Presents: Kim Able will speak on Aug. 10.  Karen Yarbourgh will speak 
on ___ at the Law School.

Church Presence is under consideration.

Anti Racism: Beldon Fields is preparing an article.

Counter recruitment are waiting for the start of school.

Lentils for Lebanon: a collection of lentils to be sent to Lebanon is being 

Linda Evans requested a donation of $30 for the La Leche League, this will 
be voted on next week.  All members in attendance were in favor of the 

At the City Council meeting last week many people spoke in favor of the CPRB.

We need a Facilitator for next week's meeting.

Please make corrections as needed.

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