[Peace] C-U MTD advertising options

Stuart Levy slevy at ncsa.uiuc.edu
Fri Aug 4 17:20:54 CDT 2006

Since I might miss this Sunday's AWARE meeting, here's the
scoop for advertising on MTD buses:

  - As before, the bus-interior signs (11x17", posted on 75 buses,
	which indeed is pretty much CUMTD's entire fleet)
	costs $200/month.

  - Exterior signs can be of three sizes: on the bus tail (66x21"),
	the curb-facing side (88"x30"), or the street-facing side (144"x30").
	Rates depend on the number of buses -- looks like $100/month per bus,
	up to $2000/month for 20 buses.  (That's the price for the
	street-side and rear signs; the curb-side signs are 10% cheaper.)

	I didn't ask whether we get to choose which bus routes the
	exterior signs go on.  My guess is that they swap buses around
	as needed, so we probably don't.  Happy to ask if anyone cares.

   - We can also get exterior signs that show on only the campus buses.
	Rates for those are twice the above: $200/month per single bus,
	up to $2000/month for 10 buses.

In all cases we need to provide CUMTD with the signs, so we'd add that
to our cost.  They can suggest someone to do the sign production if we like.

My take on this: to put exterior signs on an interesting number of buses
would cost more than I'd want to see AWARE spend, but the interior ones
could be a good deal for us.

(For completeness: they can "wrap" the back of a bus with that
ugly screen material.  We can't afford it.  With production & installation,
it's $10750 per bus for a 6-month, $13750 for a 12-month contract.
To wrap a whole (instead of partial) bus for a year costs $33000.)

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