[Peace] Reminder: Campus rally TODAY!

Ricky Baldwin baldwinricky at yahoo.com
Tue Aug 22 08:52:56 CDT 2006

Unions on the UI campus
and their supporters 
protest today

4pm at the archway (Lincoln and Illinois)
5pm at the Alma Mater (Wright and Green)

Unions on campus are facing a hostile administration
in matters of healthcare, wage increases and basic
recognition.  Apparently it isn't enough that the
State of Illinois has raided its employees' pensions
(they called it a "pension holiday") for millions of
dollars, which they now say they unfortunately won't
be able to pay back.  Now the university wants to
balance its budget on the backs of its workers while
offering big bucks to the fat cats at the top.

Join Central Illinois Jobs With Justice and tell the
administration this community expects better.

After a brief rally at the archway on Lincoln and
Illinois at 4pm, union and community members will
march across the quad to the main library, where they
will join more workers just getting off work at 4:30,
then march north to the Swanlund Building and then on
to the Alma Mater statue at Wright and Green for a
final rally.  

Union workers will be joining along the length of the
route as they arrive from work.  Community supporters
are asked to join up wherever we can.

If you have to choose, come to  the final rally at
5pm, Wright and Green.

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