[Peace] Framing

Bill Strutz billstrutz at yahoo.com
Fri Dec 29 06:16:57 CST 2006

Some thoughts on "framing:"

(1) No one is going to overlook the 3000th death.  I am afraid that no matter how carefully a demonstration were done, it would create the wrong perception among the public -- like a demonstraton at a military funeral.  Even the mainstream media are going to publicize the 3000th death.  It speaks for itself.  And it's so soon after the 2000th death.

(2) If the Democratic Party is "the Democrat Party," then surely the Republican Party is "the Publican Party."  Perhaps the Democrats will let us down -- yeah, to some extent they have already, unless they're playing a deeper game.  But let's not miss a chance at gentle mockery of the party that really screwed us over by putting Bush up in front.

(3) We know that the war in Iraq is not truly part of the GWOT and it's not OIF/OEF.  I think that whenever we refer to it, we should blandly call it "Bush's War."  Bush started it, Bush insisted on running it incompetently, and now Bush is practically the only person who embraces a continuation of it.  When I say "Bush's War," no one is puzzled as to which war I am talking about.  It is simply, and truly, Bush's War.  That is what history should call it.

While I am on the soapbox -- I think that the talk about a "surge" and the proposal to add brigades to the Army and Marines are connected.  First Bush will claim that we deserve to give "surge" a chance.  Then he will say that we need those extra brigades, as the only practical way to scrape up enough troops.  So, it'll be 2008 before the surge can even start.  Also, a few pundits are already saying that a surge should last 18 months or more.  That takes us well into 2009.  So it truly is time to stop, NOW.

Framing:  Is it a "surge" or is it "escalation" or is it our "last throes"?

William J Strutz 
Hey, we don't have to worry about Global Warming
as long as we have the option of creating Nuclear Winter.
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