[Peace] detailed AWARE minutes 2-19-2006

Karen Medina kmedina at uiuc.edu
Tue Feb 21 23:30:42 CST 2006

=== longer explanation of what went on in the meeting ===
AWARE Meeting Minutes: 19 February 2006, Sunday, 5pm
sent to <peace at lists dot chambana dot net> and <peace-
discuss at lists dot chambana dot net>

Facilitator: Durl Kruse
Minutes: Karen Medina

Note: We need a facilitator for next week (February 26th, 

1) News of the Week - Carl Estabrook (posted separately): 
among other issues, it included news about Neil Abercrombe; 
NATO in Darfur; Brownbeck and Biden

2) Introductions

3) New Ideas

3a) Meeting Time.
2 proposals were made: 
4pm start time -> straw vote: preference for 5pm - 8 people; 
preference for 4pm - 1 person; failed
4:30pm start time for a trial period -> straw vote: 4:30pm - 
5 people; 5pm - 5 people; dk - 5 people
RESULT: The issue was TABLED.

If we ever do change the time, we will need to change the 
information on the P.S.A. on WEFT, fliers, website, UPTV
3b) Darfur discussion. 
Action Darfur on campus had asked AWARE to co-sponsor their 
Darfur Awareness week (February 20-24, with Simon Deng 
talking on Wednesday February 22). Pros and cons were 
discussed. A vote was taken. VOTE: 14 yes; 2 no; 3 
abstentions. Result: NO CONSENSUS. Although there was no 
consensus about the Action Darfur request, a 14 to 2 majority 
did want to support an open discussion of the issues (but not 
U.S. or NATO intervention there) and the talk by Deng.

Official announcement: "February 22, 7:00p.m.
"Simon Deng, an expert on the conflict in Darfur will deliver 
a keynote lecture on the urgency for intervention, drawing on 
his own experiences of being held as a slave for years in 
Sudan.  This event is free and open to the public taking 
place on February 22nd at 7p.m., room 112 Gregory Hall."

For more information: http://actiondarfur.tk/

3c) UFPJ Ad Campaign
UFPJ (United for Peace and Justice) is asking groups to put 
ads in their local papers with "Bring the troops home now" 
type messages, in this the 3rd anniversary of the war. A 
working group sign-up list was passed around. 

For more information see: 
The steps they suggest are: "1) Research ad prices 2) 
Determine the text of your ad 3) Gather local signers for 
your ad 4) Submit final copy with signers to the newspaper 5) 
Contact UFPJ about your advertisement" 

There is a suggestion for the ad from the UFPJ website: 
MARCH 19th, 2006. 
Three Years Too Many. 

The third anniversary of a war based on lies.

It is time to come to our senses, rebuild the respect of the 
international community, rebuild our communities.

It is time to end the war against Iraq.

It is time to bring all the troops home!

The great majority of people in the United States, and around 

There were no weapons of mass destruction, there was no 
imminent threat to the United States, there was no link 
between Saddam Hussein and the 9/11 attacks.

Members of Congress, retired generals and state department 
officials, newspaper editorial boards, families of soldiers, 
teachers, doctors, lawyers, Republicans and Democrats alike --
- people from all walks of life want the truth and an end to 
the nightmare of a senseless war without winners.

But the nightmare continues. 

The Iraq war has cost well over $200 billion in U.S. taxpayer 
money, and the Bush administration will soon be asking for 
tens of billions more.

Yet the people of Louisiana, Mississippi and Alabama still 
haven’t received the money and resources they need to begin 
to recover from Hurricane Katrina. 

Three years of war have resulted in the deaths of more than 
2,200 U.S. service people and thousands who have come home 
with ghastly wounds to their bodies and their souls -- wounds 
they will carry for the rest of their lives. 

The number of Iraqis killed are estimated to be in the tens 
of thousands; more people dying every day. The schools, 
hospitals and homes hard hit by the U.S. military have not 
been rebuilt. 

Yet the Bush Administration still can't give us a straight 
answer about why it invaded Iraq and continues the war and 

Let us work to make this the last anniversary of this 
senseless war. Let this travesty, the bleeding and the havoc, 
not define our time in history.


3d) Cartoon of Muhammad:
The University of Illinois Students for Social Equality are 
having a meeting this week about the issue, Wednesday, 
February 22, 7pm, 317 Gregory Hall.

Background: The Daily Illini published the cartoons (2 
editors were suspended). A campus protest after the cartoons’ 
publication attracted between 200 and 300 students on 
February 13. 

For more information: 

Official announcement: "On Wednesday, February 22, University 
of Illinois Students for Social Equality (SSE) will hold a 
public meeting titled, “Anti-Muslim Cartoons: An Ugly and 
Calculated Provocation.” David Walsh, arts editor of the 
World Socialist Web Site, and Tom Mackaman, president of 
Illinois SSE and Socialist Equality Party candidate for State 
Representative in 2004, will address the meeting, which will 
then be followed by discussion. The meeting will be held at 7 
p.m. in 317 Gregory Hall on the corner of Wright St. and 
Armory St. in Champaign. The meeting is open to the public, 
and SSE warmly encourages all students and workers interested 
in discussing the significance and context of the cartoons to 

4) Working Groups
4a) ICPJ
Illinois Coalition for Peace and Justice (ICPJ)
April 1st (Saturday)
A One-Day Founding Conference in Champaign, IL
McKinley Church and Foundation
809 S 5th St., Champaign IL 61820 
Registration deadline is March 15th
Registration is $15 and lunch is $10 (don't have to eat 
For more information and registration: http://www.ilcpj.org
Would AWARE like to send 2 representatives? It was proposed 
that AWARE pay the registration and lunch fee for two 
representatives. No one jumped to offer to be a 
representative. Carl and Mort, after some time, each said 
they would represent AWARE if others are not interested in 
attending. Carl can readjust his Saturday for that week. 

Need proposals for Break-out sessions. Need leaders to lead 
sessions / presentations

Purpose of the ICPJ meeting: (as stated on 
	1) To strengthen our individual efforts; 
        2) To share resources and ideas; 
        3) To provide technical assistance;  
	4) To remind all of us that we are not alone 

4b) Finances- No official report

4c) AWARE Presents -
Anthony Shadid's upcoming visit. The Storms are interested in 
asking Shadid to discuss his first book while he is here. His 
schedule is very full.

Anthony Shadid is a Washington Post foreign correspondent who 
won the 2004 Pulitzer Prize for International Reporting. 
Background information: http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-

4d) Church Presence – do a few visits before Easter (Lent is 
March 1st, Easter is April 16). Last week, a particular 
church was mentioned =)  . 
Coming up this week, a working group meeting.

4e) Urbana City Council Resolution 
The Town Meeting is this Tuesday, 7pm in the Urbana City 
Council Chambers. There was an article in the News-Gazette 
about the upcoming town meeting. Also Gary Storm did a 
commentary on WILL-am580's "Public Square" (February 17, 
2006; available: 
http://www.will.uiuc.edu/community/publicsquare/default.htm ).

(SIDE-NOTE: more Public Square times are available, let us 
use them!)

There is also a story on the www.ucimc.org website announcing 
the town hall meeting.

4f) Counter-recruitment
Central High School has an upcoming visit from the Navy 
(March 6th). They treat the recruiters the same way they 
treat their college representatives: the reps are in the 
student services office and students sign up to go see them. 
They recently had some recruiters from other branches of the 
military on February 13 and 14.

4g) Anti-Racism Working Group
Patrick Thompson has a March court date (still no trial date 
for this 2nd trial). Judge Difanis will be the judge, and his 
reputation is not good for this type of case. Bob Ilyes is 
still collecting donations to help pay the court costs. Of 
the $3000, there remains $450 unpaid.  

Question: use of Freedom of Information Act to show disparate 
treatment of the courts.

The working group is still discussing the issue of Officer 

The CU Citizens for Peace and Justice meetings are Saturdays 
at 4pm at IMC

5) Last Week – 
5a) The protest about the cartoons in the DI was last Tuesday 
at noon on campus. 200-300 people there. There was also a 
Round Table at 6:30 pm on Tuesday. See the Carol Inskeep 
quote in the Daily Illini (excerpt below):

"Carol Inskeep, librarian at the Urbana Free Public Library, 
said she had been concerned about the perception of Muslim 
people in the U.S. ever since Sept. 11. 

"Our government has been violating the civil liberties of 
Muslims living in our country and increasing this climate of 
stereotyping," Inskeep said. "We need to stop sowing hatred 
and misunderstanding and think about what's actually going to 
promote education and the public good."

Long URL for the article: 

5b) Mosque Open House was Feb. 19 from Noon to 3pm. David 
Green attended. He said it was well attended (estimated 50 

5c) The union strike on Kirby was this week. The Socialist 
Forum was there. For more information, you can ask (Grandpa) 
Bob or Ricky.

6) Upcoming Events – 
6a) Town Meeting for the Urbana City Council Resolution, 
Tuesday, February 21, 7pm, Urbana City Council Chambers. 

6b) Simon Deng speaking on Darfur. Wednesday, February 22nd 
at 7p.m., room 112 Gregory Hall (Action Darfur). For more 
information: http://actiondarfur.tk/

6c) "Anti-Muslim Cartoons: An Ugly and Calculated 
Wednesday, February 22;
7 pm, 317 Gregory Hall (corner of Wright and Armory, 

6d) Socialist Forum is opening a "Jobs for Justice" arm here. 
There is a Socialist Forum meeting next Saturday, February 
26, 1pm, Champaign County Health Care Consumers, 44 E. Main 
Street, Suite #208, Champaign, IL 61821. (I think they meet 
the third Saturday of each month, but you can ask Grandpa 

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