[Peace] UIUC Emergency Response! Justice for Palestine!

martin smith send2smith at yahoo.com
Thu Jul 13 18:38:08 CDT 2006

Emergency Sign-Holding/Protest 
When:  12noon-1pm, Friday, July 14
 Where: UIUC Quad, near Student Union Entrance
Plan:    Please Bring A Sign and Help Leaflet the Campus Community About the Escalating Middle East Crisis 

Dear Allies in the Struggle for Justice in Palestine:

 Using the capture of one of its soldiers as the pretext, the Israeli Occupation Forces launched a brutal assault on the entire population of Gaza in the early morning hours of June 28, terrorizing the civilian population.  The people of Gaza remain without water and electricity.   The use of U.S. planes and other military goods against illegally occupied territories is a violation of both international and U.S. law.  

Israel's terror has now spread to Lebanon, and Israeli military officials have declared that "Lebanon's clock will be turned back 20 years."  In other words, Israel is planning a massive humanitarian crisis that includes the targeting of the civilian population and the country's infrastructure.  Dawn air strikes on south Lebanon on 13 July 2006 claimed the lives of at least 44 civilians, including over 15 children, and wounded over 100. Israel bombed bridges linking the north and south of the country and all three runways of Beirut's commercial airport. 

Join us in an emergency response on campus!
contact information: Martin Smith, (217) 649-8830


>From Iraq to Palestine, Occupation is a Crime! 
 Not another nickel, not another dime, no more money for Israel's crimes! 

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