[Peace] Soma Documentary TONIGHT

Eric Anglada gladpax at yahoo.com
Fri Jul 21 07:43:19 CDT 2006

Tonight, Friday, July 21st, the Catholic Worker will
be hosting a screening of a new documentary at 6:30pm
and, if people are interested, we'll do the workshop
following. Nick Cooper has been touring the country
showing this film, which promises to be a very
interesting view. Donations will be accepted. Below is
a description of documentary and workshop:

documentary: Soma: An Anarchist Therapy (DVD shot in
Brazil subtitles in English) 
With difficulty walking and half-blinded from torture
by the Brazilian military dictatorship, 79 year old
Roberto Freire continues to develop somatherapy,
completing his life's work. Incorporating the ideas of
Wilhelm Reich, the politics of anarchism, and the
culture of the martial art / dance capoeira angola,
Soma is used by therapists organized in anarchist
collectives to fight the psychological effects of
authoritarianism.more info: somadocumentary.com

Nazis Vs. Zapatistas: The Struggle Against Co-optation
 The workshop examines philosophies, structures and
comparing authoritarian models to those that are
consensual, communitarian or autonomous. Informed by
Zapatista principles, the workshop develops a skill
set for identifying, challenging an defeating the
authoritarian tool of co-optation.
more info: http://nickcooper.com/antipowerworkshop.htm

Eric Anglada
317 S. Randolph (one block north of library, free
parking in front of house)
St. Jude Catholic Worker

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