[Peace] AWARE Upcoming Events

Stuart Levy slevy at ncsa.uiuc.edu
Wed Aug 22 17:55:03 CDT 2007

Some upcoming events (one of which has already passed, another about to):

Tue 8/21 10am-3pm  UIUC Quad  -- Quad Day
   Hundreds of student and community groups on the UIUC Quad,
   presenting what they do to interested students.
   AWARE on Campus ended up shared a table with IMC/WRFU,
   and at least several dozen students signed up.

Wed 8/22 7pm  Illinois Disciples Foundation, Wright & Springfield, C.
   "From SICKO to Sanity
    The Case for Single-Payer Health Care...
    And How Do We Get It?"

     Dr. Sachi Kuhananthan, Emergency room physician,
	  and member of Physicians for a National Program
     Claudia Lennhoff, Executive Director,
	  Champaign County Health Care Consumers
     Raymond Morales,
	  member of Latin American Medical Students
     Martin Smith,
	  Midwest Regional Coordinator, Iraq Veterans Against the War

   Sponsored/Endorsed by International Socialist Org., Campus Antiwar Network,
	Iraq Veterans Against the War, and Socialist Forum.

   For more information call 217-649-8830 or e-mail iso.champaign at gmail.com

Sat 8/25 11am-11pm  Urbana Sweet Corn Festival, downtown U.
   AWARE will have a table, hoping to speak with lots of people.
   We'll have the usual bumper stickers, buttons, Peace calendars,
   "Impeach" yard signs, and information.
   We won't table at the Farmer's Market that morning.

Tue 8/28 7pm University Place Christian Church (next to IDF), 403 S. Wright, C.
   "Take a Stand" Iraq Town Hall Meeting -- and Vigil

   Organized by Citizen Action and Americans Against Escalation in Iraq;
   the vigil is coordinated nationally by MoveOn.

Sat 9/1 2-4pm  Main & Neil, downtown Champaign
   Monthly peace demonstration.  We'll aim to have signs and flyers
   about Iran and the US ramp-up toward war with it.

Wed 9/12  6&7pm  Channing-Murray Foundation, 1209 W. Oregon (Mathews & Oregon), U. 
   "Welcoming Everyone to the Table: Migrant Workers, Immigration,
   and the New Sanctuary Movement in Urbana-Champaign"

   (6pm pot luck in Channing Murray basement -- bring a dish to share if you can;
    7pm panel discussion)

      Matt Kuenning, attorney, and professor in UofI College of Law
      Martina Miranda-Lugo and Martha Betenia,  Migrant Summer School recruiters
      Rev. Mike Mulberry, Minister, Community United Church of Christ
      Aide Acosta, UIUC graduate student in anthropology

   Come learn about and discuss issues surrounding immigration,
   immigration law, migrant work and workers in the area,
   and what the New Sanctuary Movement is all about.

   We'll also be collecting food & clothing items for local migrant workers.
   Items needed include (in good condition and CLEAN):
      light coats (any size), children's clothing, linens & blankets, 
      dry & canned foods (rice, beans, canned vegetables, peanut butter,
	bread, tortillas, coffee, etc.)

Sat 9/15  Demonstration in Washington, DC
   Concurrent with release of Petraeus report on Iraq
   Organized by ANSWER

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