[Peace] Upcoming events from AWARE 9/2/2007 meeting

Stuart Levy slevy at ncsa.uiuc.edu
Mon Sep 3 00:08:03 CDT 2007

Upcoming events mentioned at the 9/2/2007 AWARE meeting:

  9/3 Mon  10am-?  Labor Day Parade
	Lincoln Square south parking lot -> Meadowbrook prairie park
    Might try to form an informal anti-war contingent along with CAN.
    Suggest meeting at 9:30 AM (parade starts at 10).

    Not sure of the parade route, though someone mentioned that
    at least part of Washington St. is being blocked off.
    Starts at the south parking lot of Lincoln Square,
    ends somewhere in Meadowbrook Park (near Race?Vine? and Windsor).

  9/4, ... Tuesdays 7PM  CAN student meeting (CAN = Campus Anti-War Network,
			of which AWARE-On-Campus is a member)
	"PRC" room, Illinois Disciples Foundation
	  (Wright & Springfield, Champaign)

	CAN will meet this Tuesday, and Tues every week at this time & place,
	at least until their "week of action" 9/17-20 (see below).

	Interested in AWARE-on-Campus?  Best to attend these CAN meetings.

  9/8 Sat 2-5pm "Reflections of Beauty" Open House
	Central IL Mosque and Islamic Center,
	106 S. Lincoln, Urbana


	2:00pm   Welcome!   Calligraphy displays,
		    architecture featuring mosques from around the world,
		    mosaics, food, and (for women) henna painting

	2:30pm   The Well of Sweetness: The Art of Recital
        3:05pm   The Tulip Garden: Manifold Calligraphy
	3:50pm   Hidden & Revealed: The Poetic Craft
   9/15 ANSWER protest in Washington, DC
	In conjunction with Petraeus (er, White House?) report to Congress
	on Iraq progress.

	A bus is coming from Iowa, passing through C-U on its way to/from DC.
	Seats available at $100/ticket (at least they were available as of
	last week).  To arrange for a seat call, as soon as possible,
	 Tim Gauger 319-936-2307 / timothy-gauger {at} uiowa.edu  or
         Susan Junis 319-541-1684 / susan_junis {at} caucus4priorities.org

	(Probably some people from C-U are driving themselves, too.
	So if you want to attend this protest, you might post to
	peace-discuss and try to make a match.)

   9/17... Week of Action -- organized by CAN in concert with
	Iraq Vets Against the War and ANSWER

     Mon 9/17  demonstration
     Tue 9/18  showing of film "Sir! No Sir!"
     Thu 9/20  Mid-day Rally (on Quad) and Die-In (on Green St.)
	Details to come -- events still being planned

   10/3 - 10/4 Wed-Thu --  Kathy Kelly visits C-U!
     Speaks to Global Studies class (1000 freshmen!?) on 10/3 afternoon.
     Trying to set up several events on 10/4 -- maybe a breakfast meeting,
     maybe a visit to (Urbana?) High School, an interview,
     supper, public evening talk somewhere.  Details to follow.

   10/12 Fri 2-7pm "In Defense of Academic Freedom"
	Meeting in support of Norman Finkelstein, whose tenure at
	DePaul Univ. was denied, and is now being forbidden to teach
	classes during his terminal year.

	Held at Rockefeller Chapel, University of Chicago.
	Tariq Ali, host; speakers Akeel Bilgrami (Columbia Univ.),
	Noam Chomsky (MIT); Tony Judt (NYU); John Mearsheimer (U of Chicago);
	Neve Gordon (Ben-Gurion University)


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