[Peace] The Crisis of the "War on Terror": Wed., Feb. 6, 7pm, Greg 215

martin smith send2smith at yahoo.com
Mon Feb 4 21:19:41 CST 2008

The Crisis of the "War on Terror": What's Behind US Policy in Afghanistan and Pakistan?                                                                          The International Socialist Organization invites you to attend
 our next public forum this Wednesday, February 6,
 at 7 PM in Gregory Hall Room 215
 February 6th at 7PM Gregory Hall Room 215 - The Crisis of the "War
 on Terror" What's behind the US policy in Afghanistan/Pakistan?
 In 2001, the Taliban quickly retreated under the assault of U.S.
 forces and their Afghan allies. But today, the U.S.-backed Karzai
 regime has little influence outside the capital, and the Taliban have
 regained their fighting strength. The U.S. is sending thousands more
 Marines to bolster the NATO occupation. 
 Just across the border in Pakistan, the dictatorship
 of Pervez Musharraf, a key U.S. ally in the "war on terror," may be on
 its last legs. Benazir Bhutto's return was George Bush's best hope of
 shoring up support for the regime. Her assassination shows that the
 U.S. is far from reaching the objective behind the war--controlling
 the region's political events.
 Why is the U.S. so deeply involved? Why do so many in the region oppose
 the U.S. presence? Has Bush really been out to fight terrorism
 and promote democracy? Do the Democrats offer an alternative? Come to
 this public forum to discuss these and other questions.
 Featuring David Whitehouse - Frequent contributor to the International
 Socialist Review and Socialist Worker on Central and South Asia.

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