[Peace] IVAW / CO hearing in St. Louis April 21 / CAN going to St. Louis

Karen Medina kmedina67 at gmail.com
Wed Apr 1 19:38:42 CDT 2009

April 21 at 9am is Matthis Chiroux's hearing in St. Louis. Campus
Antiwar Network is going to St. Louis to support Chiroux AND to attend
a special Winter Soldier event in St. Louis later in the day on April

Matthis Chiroux is a conscientious objector who refused to deploy to
Iraq saying, "The American occupation of Iraq, an illegal, immoral war
which is ripping this nation apart, as well causing immeasurable harm
to the Iraqi people and the people of the world alike," May 15, 2008.

Originally, the Army was not going to press charges.

But then Chiroux and other IVAW members wanted to ask questions at the
final Obama/McCain debate. 5 IVAW members were arrested, 1 was injured
by the horse of a mounted police.

After the debate event, the Army decided to press desertion charges.

Keep in mind that Chiroux had been honorably discharged a year before
he was re-activated and told to go to Iraq.

For more on Matthis Chiroux, see http://ivaw.org/node/3484

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