[Peace] N-G developing women magazine input needed on 1/9/09

Lori A. Serb lserb at uigeo.org
Wed Jan 7 14:07:11 CST 2009

I just got this from a friend on the inside…

The News-Gazette is developing a new weekly magazine just for women.   
They are holding a focus group on Friday January 9th at 9 am at the N-G.

The focus group is for women only.  We will be discussing the creation  
of a new weekly magazine, just for women, to be distributed in the  
newspaper. We would like the input of our readers and non-readers.   
This magazine will be aimed at women of all ages, ethnicities and life- 
styles so we'd like all kinds of women to attend the focus group.   
This is a good chance to tell the powers that be at the newspaper  
exactly what you want or don't want and how you'd like it presented.   
We want to know what kind of articles you want to read and by whom you  
would like them to be written.  We want to know what interests women  
the most and what issues and topics you would like to see discussed.

We pretty much want the women of C-U to tell us everything they want  
this magazine to be.  It's for them exclusively so we want to know  
what they want.

The focus group will be held on January 9th at 9 am.  It will be at  
The News-Gazette in downtown Champaign at 15 Main St. We have a  
customer parking lot but street parking is also available.  Bring  
quarters for the meters.

A free breakfast will be served and we will have door prizes as well.

If there are any questions, comments or concerns I can be reached at  
work at 217-351-5376 or at elippitz at news-gazette.com

If we have a lot of interest but the time is inconvenient we will  
consider hosting another group in the evening after work.

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