[Peace] Saying nay to USG lies

C. G. Estabrook galliher at uiuc.edu
Thu Jan 8 21:24:16 CST 2009

What he actually said was that nothing he said "should be taken as representing
[Hillary Clinton's] views."

But I don't know why the quibble.  He is a Clintonoid creature, like Holbrooke
and Ross; Hillary Clinton is Obama's SOS; and Indyk is "among those mentioned as
a potential special envoy to the Middle East."

Are you trying to separate his views from Obama/Clinton?  No reason to think it
can be done.  Theirs are just as bad. --CGE

Brussel wrote:
> As I said, Indyk denied this, contradicting her.
> On Jan 8, 2009, at 6:37 PM, C. G. Estabrook wrote:
>> Amy Goodman explains, "He’s an adviser to Hillary Clinton, who was tapped 
>> to be Obama’s Secretary of State, and is among those mentioned as a 
>> potential special envoy to the Middle East."
>>> Brussel wrote: Right. However, Indyk said he was not an advisor to the
>>> new administration (to be represented by State Department head Mme
>>> Clinton) --mkb On Jan 8, 2009, at 6:13 PM, C. G. Estabrook wrote:
>>>> Anyone who wishes to know about what the US and its chief client are 
>>>> actually doing in the Mideast -- over against the lies of the USG and 
>>>> the media -- should pull up today's Democracy Now! 
>>>> http://www.democracynow.org/2009/1/8/former_amb_martin_indyk_vs_author
>>>>  There the Clintonoid apologist Martin Indyk, former US ambassador to 
>>>> Israel (and adviser to the new administration) is made to look 
>>>> criminally foolish by Norman Finkelstein. --CGE

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