[Peace] Golden Ticket (anyone want to attend the Inauguration?)

Stuart Levy slevy at ncsa.uiuc.edu
Mon Jan 12 16:01:56 CST 2009

Would anyone here, who isn't already, like to attend
Obama's inauguration in Washington, DC, next Tuesday?

As part of the "Renewing America's Promise of Peace and Justice"
event which we're doing this coming Sunday:

    Sunday, Jan. 18th
    Champaign Public Library
    where we will listen to Rev. King's
    "Beyond Vietnam - A Time to Break Silence" speech,
    and consider with a panel of speakers
    how what King saw then -- about the interlinked injustices
    of war, of racism, of poverty, of inequality --
    how we can understand today's world in that light,
    and what we can draw from his vision to say to the
    new Obama administration...

More about that in a separate announcement.

Anyway, an unexpected side effect of posting this event
on the Inaugural Committee's list of nationwide happenings
is that they have sent us one Golden Ticket
(as in chocolate factory).

It's a certificate that invites the bearer to attend
any of the public inauguration events in DC.

It appears to be for a single person (unlike the ones
from the Congressional Reps' lotteries, which invite
a couple to attend, I'm told).

So: can anyone put this ticket to good use,
and come back and tell us about it?


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