[Peace] Like Hamlet, AOTA defies (In)augury at 10pm, ch. 6

C. G. Estabrook galliher at uiuc.edu
Tue Jan 20 20:48:03 CST 2009

"AWARE on the Air" will be seen tonight at 10pm on cable channel 6 (Urbana 
Public TV).  The Inaugural Edition takes no thought of the morrow -- sufficient 
for the day is the evil thereof: the anti-war candidate is president, and

	Now is the winter of our discontent
	Made glorious summer by this sun of ...

--Ork, or some other foreign place...

But Karen Medina does tell us what AWARE is up to, tomorrow and tomorrow and 

David Harley offers a few words about Gaza and Palestine and suggests you check 
your sources;

Ron Szoke opines that "the notion of citizenship is in trouble" and has us Take 
the Pledge (which he reads better than the Chief Justice);

Linda Weber recalls, quite appropriately, what AWARE calls on the new president 
and congress to do (as set out by Stuart Levy in an AWARE leaflet, reproduced 

Chris Tuck watches us play; and yr. obdt. servt., dressed like Mary Mack, 
remembering that television is radio with pictures, and taking the advice of 
Justin Raimondo (in "Inauguration Day, 2009: A Day of Mourning" 
<http://www.antiwar.com/justin/?articleid=14097>) is "going into inaugural 
mourning: all black to mourn the victims of Obama's wars, and the death of our 
old republic."

Others also make displays of themselves:
	Willie the (W)underdog may have got on camera (W's gone...).

--Vostro Schiavo

	"This is no time to engage in the luxury of cooling off
	or to take the tranquilizing drug of gradualism."
		--M. L. King, 1963


         AWARE calls on the Obama Administration and the Congress to

  * Withdraw from Iraq all US troops, and all military contractors. The Iraqi
    Parliament agreed to a 2011 deadline, but don't wait.   Make it plain that the
    US will keep no military bases there.  Pay reparations.

  * End the war in Afghanistan.  As in Iraq, our invasion violates international
    law; and as in Iraq, our violent presence there only strengthens our opponents.
    Even our own military have acknowledged that military means will not suffice in
    Afghanistan.  Encourage the Afghan government's efforts to negotiate with the
    Taliban, including all who are willing to talk. Support this extremely poor
    country's economy.  Give farmers better alternatives to growing opium.

  * Cease illegal and counterproductive incursions into Pakistan, Syria, 
Somalia, ...

  * Talk with Iran without preconditions, as promised.  Reestablish US diplomatic
    relations.  Make clear that the US will accept a peaceful Iranian nuclear power
    program under international supervision. Seek Iran's help in resolving Middle
    East conflicts, including in Iraq, Afghanistan, Israel/Palestine, and Lebanon.

  * Renew US efforts to resolve Israeli-Palestinian conflict, including dismantling
    West Bank settlements.  Support the 2002 Arab League offer for peace in
    exchange for a return to the 1967 borders and agreement on refugee status.
    Negotiate with Hamas (as 64% of Israelis support doing) – they did win in free
    and fair elections.

  * Put our vast military spending, including our own weapons of mass destruction,
    on the table for cuts.  Rep. Frank has a proposal for 25% cuts.

  * Ensure adequate support, especially physical and mental health care, for those
    people who are serving or have served in the US military.

  * Close Guantanamo Bay, and end use of torture, as promised, and promptly.

  * Whether by prosecution of those who created and justified the policies, or by a
    Truth Commission, ensure that the world and the US people know we understand
    that wars of aggression, torture and arbitrary imprisonment are never

  * Rethink our policies toward Central America and Latin America.  For example:
    End our long-running, counterproductive embargo against Cuba, and open a dialog
    with the Cuban government.   Repair relations with Venezuela and Bolivia,
    including restoring Bolivia's preferential access to US markets.

  * Repudiate the Bush Administration's signing statements, and the whole notion
    that a President can override laws by fiat.  Stop this terrible precedent now.

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