[Peace] Vagina Monologues Documentary

Rachel Storm rstorm2 at illinois.edu
Sat Jan 31 16:31:35 CST 2009

Dear local activists/artists/community members and friends:

This is an open invitation to be a part of the Vagina Monologues in Champaign-Urbana this year! 

Do you have something to say about your vagina? Violence against women? Sexuality? Gender? ... Yourself?

If you want to be a part of a documentary-style video that will air before and after the Vagina Monologues performance on campus this semester, please RSVP to this event and I will contact you to set-up and interview.

Your voice, your story, your face (if you choose to reveal it) will be a part of the monologues in a personal way.


You don't have to have been born with a vagina to voice your resect for one. Men, boys, transmen, M2F transsexuals, EVERYONE is invited. 


Please, everyone, RSVP to this email and let me know when you'll be coming. This is very important, as I'd like to get everyone in and out in a timely manner and film as may voices as I can. 

If you notice that more than 3 people have committed to that time, please try and seek another time if possible. (Don't let too much apt traffic distract your mission to be a part of the documentary, however!)

My apartment seems like a trek, I know. Don't fret! The 50 Green will take you straight to my front door! Just ride it towards Urbana and when it turns of Green Street, get out. My apartment is just 10 feet south of Lincoln Square Mall. Which means, you'll walk about 10 feet. See? No walking at all! 

This is how things will work:

1.) I'll have a camera set-up in the apartment, where you'll sit facing me and be asked to speak directly into the camera when answering a question of making a statement. 

2.) You pick what to answer or what to say! If you have something specific to say such as "Obama, I just want to say that you barack for ending the Global Gag Rule," or "I've had an abortion." Or, "A friend of mine in high school was raped and that made me feel..." 

*Don't be afraid to be funny, keep it light, or bring props! If you make a vag-mask, like to do a vag-impression, or want to reveal which sex toys make you happy or which suck, that's fine too. 

I'm going to have a list of possible questions, statements, topics, etc. You'll be asked to do a minimum of 3 statements (but I'm flexible). If you have more to say, I'll accomodate that as well. 

I'm also going to have paper for you to draw on, vagina coloring books, and other props if you'd like to not talk in your "statement" and rather hold your message for folks to read. 

3.) Then, you sit back, and give your statement.

4.) After, I'll have refreshments and things out for you to enjoy. 

*I have two cats, but if you notify me of any kittyphobias or allergies, I can stow them away during your visit.

The whole this is super casual and should take a lot less time than this took me to write! (Especially since you'll hopefully have read this through.)

All the best! See you Friday the 13th between 10am-10pm!

RSVP RSVP RSVP. Hurry before you forget!

International Studies/ Transnational Gender Studies
WIMSE Program Assistant
Forte International Exchange Local Rep.
(630) 677.7219
402 S. Race St, Apt. 2
Urbana, IL. 61801

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