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Mon Sep 28 15:09:14 CDT 2009

&quot;We had about 150 people show up for support. We held a vigil outside.=
 &nbsp;Six of us went into the meeting. <BR>
We met with Tom Crohan (one of Sen. Kennedy's) aides) for about an hour. &n=
bsp;It was very friendly, constructive conversation. &nbsp;He didn't say it =
directly, but it sounded like Sen. Kennedy would definitely be against a war=
. Tom mentioned that when Sen. Kennedy mentions this topic, he remembers his=
 brother and the Cuban missile crisis. &nbsp;He said his brother was right t=
o seek a diplomatic solution first before a military solution. &nbsp;He feel=
s that the Bush administration should do the same in this instance.&quot; <B=

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