[Peace] marriage equality demonstration on UIUC campus this evening 7pm

Karen Medina kmedina67 at gmail.com
Wed Aug 4 10:15:44 CDT 2010

Not an anti-war event, but of interest to many on the peace list:

Equal Marriage event (the following is forwarded from an email):

Today (Wednesday, August 4, 2010), a California judge will deliver a
landmark ruling in the fight over Proposition 8, California state's
ban on same-sex marriage.

So, this evening, on the U of I campus, EQuality Champaign-Urbana is
organizing a PROP 8 DECISION RALLY
Date: Wednesday 8/4/2010
Time: 7pm-8pm
Place: Alma mater statue at the corner of Green and Wright streets in Urbana

Why today?: Sometime during the day on Wednesday 8/4/2010 U.S.
District Judge Vaughn Walker will hand down his decision on the
Proposition 8 trial, Perry v. Schwarzenegger.
Proposition 8 was the measure in 2008 which stopped legal same-sex
marriage in California, five months after California's state Supreme
Court legalized same-sex marriage.

Judge Walker may decide on the constitutionality of Proposition 8.
Either way, the loosing party will probably appeal the decision and
eventually the case may reach the U.S. Supreme Court.

This case marks the first time a federal court will decide whether a
state can constitutionally bar same-sex couples from getting married.

Please join us in showing your support of marriage equality.

Please feel free to bring posters supporting LGBT rights, same-sex
marriage rights, and rainbow flags.  Paul Nolan will try to make some
posters to share, but if there is a large turnout it will be best to
make and bring your own poster.

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