[Peace] more events / at Channing-Murray "The Response" 9/23 and Tagore Festival 9/25

Karen Medina kmedina67 at gmail.com
Wed Sep 15 17:36:04 CDT 2010

Thu Sep 23, 7 pm:
Film, "The Response,"  " a courtroom drama based on the actual
transcripts of the Guantanomo Bay military tribunals. . . .The film
revolves around the trial of a suspected enemy combatant and the
military judges who must decide his fate."
Refreshments & discussion to follow.
Where: Channing-Murray Foundation, 1209 W Oregon St (at Mathews), Urbana
[Note: "The Response" was shown a few weeks ago by AWARE Films, but
the attendees at the Channing-Murray event are expected to be a
different group, so the discussion may be different as well]

Sat Sep 25, 5:30 pm--? :  Tagore Festival at Channing-Murray
Foundation, 1209 W Oregon St (at Mathews), Urbana
7 pm: Catered dinner.  $15.  Reservations required by 9/15.
8 pm:  Keynote speech:  "Changing the World at Home: Rabindranath
Tagore and the Concept of Social Change," by Tithi Bhattacharya,
Associate Professor History, Purdue University.  Free.
Tagore was the first non-Westerner to receive the Nobel Prize for
literature & a one-time resident of Urbana.

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