[Peace] The AWARE meeting this Sunday, December 18, 2011 will be a social event at the Esquire Lounge in downtown Champaign. The fun starts at 5pm. / bring a white elephant gift!

Karen Medina kmedina67 at gmail.com
Thu Dec 15 16:41:32 CST 2011

The AWARE meeting this Sunday, December 18, 2011 will be a social
event at the Esquire Lounge in downtown Champaign.
The fun starts at 5pm.

We will have a white elephant gift exchange -- a party game.
* We need a minimum of six participants.
* Everyone should bring a white elephant gift, wrapped in anything.
Brown paper bags are recyclable, so are my favorite choice for this.
* Gifts should be used items from home, inexpensive, and humorous. The
term white elephant refers to a gift whose maintenance costs exceed
its usefulness.

Wait, where is the Esquire???
106 N Walnut St  Champaign, Illinois

Now, how do we play this game?
In its most basic form, the gameplay is as follows: Each participant
supplies one wrapped gift. Participants determine in what order they
will take turns choosing gifts. The first person opens a wrapped gift
and the turn ends. The second person then chooses whether to open a
wrapped gift or "steal" a previously opened gift. If a person has
their gift stolen, they also have the option of choosing a wrapped
gift or stealing an unwrapped one. When a wrapped gift is opened, the
turn ends. When all gifts have been unwrapped, the game ends.

Are we interested in playing any other parlor games???? I am! I love
the idea of parlor games. Look one up and we'll argue over playing or
not playing!

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