[Peace] Invisible Conflicts Fundraiser... to benefit "Peace Together Uganda" / January 29th

Karen Medina kmedina67 at gmail.com
Fri Jan 7 12:58:31 CST 2011

Invisible Conflicts Fundraiser...
to benefit "Peace Together Uganda", a community-based organization in
rural Pajule, northern Uganda. PTU was created as a forum for
rebuilding a community devastated by a twenty-year civil war.
January 29th at 12:30 a run around the Quad in underwear or costume
Thaw out until 2pm at the YMCA; food, Ugandan jewelry, auction,
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Subject: for the AWARE calendar

My name is Thinzar and I am a member of Invisible Conflicts here at U
of I. I wanted to let you know about a really fun and worthwhile event IC
is putting on in a few weeks!
On Saturday, January 29th at 12:30, we’re all going to do a lap around
the quad…in our underwear or a costume!
Registration is $10/person and starts at noon at the YMCA. I have
attached a flyer to this email. We would really appreciate it if you can
spread the word about the IC Run.
Immediately after the run, IC will host a Thaw-Out party at K1 in the
basement of the University YMCA until roughly 2PM. There will be free
food! Plus, we will have jewelry made by our friends in Uganda for sale
as well as an AUCTION of various services provided by IC members,
including an authentic Acholi meal cooked for you and complimentary
bathroom cleaning! The after party is also a great place to learn more
about Peace Together Uganda.
So why join our fundraiser, you say? Well, all proceeds from the IC Run
will benefit our partner Peace Together Uganda, a community-based
organization in rural Pajule, northern Uganda. PTU was created as a
forum for rebuilding a community devastated by a twenty-year civil war.
Through supporting the most vulnerable, providing community dialogue,
and initiating sustainable economic development, PTU is changing the
lives of many in Pajule. Through our partnership with PTU, IC provides
school fees for 20 orphaned children, with the hope of expanding our
support to even more children. We also sponsor an after-school soccer
program. IC is committed to ensuring PTU’s own sustainability, and has
aided in several income-generating activities, including jewelry sales in
the United States, and a grinding mill and piggery in Pajule.
We would love for you to support IC in any way you can! By helping us
with our fundraiser, you are also doing great philanthropy work and
showing your generosity. We are reaching out to all of our Illini brothers
and sisters to make this fundraiser a success. All are welcome to the
after-run party and we’d love to tell you more about our efforts and
how you might be able to help! If you can get a group of people from
your organization to pre-register, you get a discount of $1 for each
additional person over 10. For example, a group of 20 people pay $9
each, and 30 pay $8 each. Each person to be involved gets a free pair of
IC Run boxer shorts!
Please let us know if you are interested in attending this event. We’d
love to see you there!
Thanks a lot,
Thinzar Khine
invisibleconflictslist at gmail.com

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