[Peace] Chicago demo on Tuesday

C. G. Estabrook galliher at illinois.edu
Sat Jul 2 19:20:11 CDT 2011

My wife (Leigh) is driving to Chicago for this demonstration late Tuesday 
afternoon. She'll be leaving C-U after lunch and returning that evening. There 
are seveal seats left in her car. If you want to go (no charge), send me a note 
here, or call 217.359.9466.  --CGE

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Update and Urgent Action Alert Regarding Freedom Flotilla II. The
Audacity of Love. And more!
Date: Sat, 2 Jul 2011 16:43:32 -0400
From: Voices for Creative Nonviolence <info at vcnv.org>
Reply-To: Voices for Creative Nonviolence <info at vcnv.org>
To: <carl at newsfromneptune.com>

_Chicago Emergency Response_

_Tuesday July 5, 2011.
5PM to 7PM
In front of the Israeli consulate
111 E Wacker Drive, Chicago, IL_

Please join us on Tuesday, July 5th at the Israeli Consulate! Bring
Palestinian flags, banners and posters. No anti-Semitism will be tolerated.

We are working with the Chicago Police Department to insure that there are
no problems and we have requested legal observers from the National Lawyers

_The latest from Greece_

_U.S. Boat to Gaza Seized by Greek Authorities and Captain Jailed

Passengers Determined to Free Captain and Set Sail Again

_July 2, 2011_

In Athens - 30-694-266-3852
In New York - Leslie Cagan, 347-581-1782

After a two hour standoff at sea, the U.S. Boat to Gaza - The Audacity of
Hope - was seized by the Greek Coast Guard and forced to return to the port
of Piraeus under military escort. The boat’s captain has been put in jail,
charged with disturbing sea traffic--which includes endangering the lives of
those on the ships-- and disobeying a police order to remain at dock. The
crew is being detained on the boat, which is being held at a military dock
just outside Athens. Most of the 36 passengers remain on the ship in
solidarity with the captain and crew

_For July 4, Passengers on U.S. Boat to Gaza Call for New U.S. Declaration
of Independence - from Israel_
     5. http://twitter.com/#!/info_from_vcnv

_By Henry Norr_
_July 2, 2011_

Athens, Greece235 years after the American colonies declared independence
from Britain, the passengers on the U.S. Boat to Gaza call for a new
American Declaration of Independence, this time from Israel.
The passengers issued their call from the decks of the U.S.-flagged boat,
The Audacity of Hope, which is currently confined to a Greek military pier
near Athens, while its captain sits in jail.

_Our mailing address is:_
Voices for Creative Nonviolence
1249 W Argyle Street
Chicago, IL 60640

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