[Peace] Palestine Newsletter Issue 3

SJP UIUC sjp.uiuc at gmail.com
Mon Dec 3 19:09:34 UTC 2012

Recently in Palestine...

On November 29th, after Israel's assault on Gaza and their attacks
post-ceasfire on Gazan civilians, the United Nations officially recognized
the Palestinian territories as a "non member state." An attempt to achieve
non member state status was put forward in the U.N. last year but was
unsuccessful in garnering support. After a year of continued settlement
expansions and aggression, Palestine was finally recognized as a non member
state by a vast majority in the United nations. Nearly 140 countries voted
for the resolution while 31 countries abstained from voting and only 9
countries representing 5% of the world population voted against the
This victory is a form of recognition of statehood by the U.N, something
Palestine has not had since the creation of Israel in 1948. This also gives
Palestinians the ability to try Israel for their war crimes.
The move, however, was not accepted warmly in the U.S. or in Israel. Israel
has already begun following up on several of the threats they made towards
the Palestinian Authority if the movement passed. Israel has already
announced that they plan to withhold 120 million dollars of taxes and
customs collected from Palestinian laborers and businesses. Israel also
announced that in retaliation to the U.N. resolution it would begin
planning and constructing 3000 illegal settlement homes. Several U.S.
legislators have also presented bills that suggest the U.S. follow suit and
throttle back it's already scarce financial aide to Palestine.
While this U.N. recognition is a great step forward for the Palestinian
movement, it is important to note that the battle for justice in Palestine
is not even close to over. Palestinians now have a greater voice in the
international community, but it is important that citizens of other
countries continue to push their politicians to vote for legislation that
promotes equality and justice in Palestine, while taking actions similar
to the strikes that have already sprung up in cities like Montreal.

The Wall Street
Huffington Post<http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/12/02/israel-palestinian-funds-statehood-bid_n_2226993.html>
Huffngton Post<http://www.haaretz.com/opinion/following-un-vote-on-palestine-israel-may-now-find-itself-at-the-hague.premium-1.481919>
YNet News <http://www.ynetnews.com/articles/0,7340,L-4314488,00.html>
Pakistan Observer <http://pakobserver.net/detailnews.asp?id=185175>
CBC News<http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/montreal/story/2012/12/02/montreal-palestine-phillips.html>
Business Recorder <http://www.brecorder.com/general-news/172/1263438/>
RT News <http://rt.com/news/israel-withholds-tax-funds-084/>
Fox News<http://www.foxnews.com/world/2012/12/02/israel-to-withhold-tax-transfer-to-palestinians-as-punishment-over-un-statehood/>
The Star<http://www.thestar.com/opinion/editorialopinion/article/1296230--canada-s-un-vote-against-palestinian-statehood-only-empowers-extremists>
Yahoo News<http://news.yahoo.com/germany-wont-back-palestinian-state-un-132509469.html>

*Students for Justice in Palestine *
*University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign*
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