[Peace] [OccupyCU] [Peace-discuss] Farmer's Market and Demonstration on Saturday; and, another on Sept. 6th for Bradley Manning on eve of Obama's speech?

Carl G. Estabrook galliher at illinois.edu
Sat Sep 1 22:31:34 UTC 2012

That's an outrageous suggestion - "Defer whistle-blower protests until after the election."

Jenifer, you quoted Glenn Greenwald in a recent post. Have you read Greenwald on the unprecedented actions of the Obama administration in regard to 'whistle-blowers'?  

Woodrow Wilson's oppressive Espionage Act (1917) had little to do with espionage but was rather designed to suppress political dissent - like that of Eugene Debs. It has been used twice in US history - until the Obama administration, which has used it six times and counting. 

Have you read any account of the Hedges/Chomsky et al. trial in New York that makes it clear that Obama's unconstitutional assertion of his power to imprison people indefinitely (over and above the NDAA) is directed at dissidents and journalists - 'whistleblowers'?

Do you realize that the major whistle-blower case is of course that of Bradley Manning, whose treatment at the hands of the Obama administration the UN has described as torture? Are you seriously suggesting that people should keep quiet about that until after the election, in order not to embarrass Obama, whose place might be taken by someone advocating the same policies? 


On Sep 1, 2012, at 4:36 PM, Jenifer Cartwright <jencart13 at yahoo.com> wrote:

> Sorry, clarifying my position: 
> Yes, continue war/drone protests as usual -- both candidates are on record for those
> Defer whistle-blower protests until after the election -- nothing from the Romney camp re these (surely same as- or worse than Dems), plus there were no protests at Repub convention for those. Already expecting huge protests at Dem Conven compared w/ Repubs. ass-backwards thinking, imho.

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