[Peace] ANNOUNCEMENT: Demonstration in downtown Urbana 5-6pm Thurs. 6 Sept.

C. G. Estabrook cge at shout.net
Wed Sep 5 02:11:36 UTC 2012

In response to the following call, last Sunday's AWARE meeting decided to sponsor a demonstration this Thursday 5-6pm at Broadway & Main in Urbana. 

Vets prepare for pro-Bradley Manning actions at Obama 2012 offices nationwide Sept. 6
By davidswanson - Posted on 02 September 2012

Bradley Manning Support Network 
If Obama fails to respond to request, vets will occupy campaign offices

Veterans arrested during a sit-in on August 16 for PFC Bradley Manning at President Obama’s Oakland, CA campaign headquarters are calling for more actions nationwide on September 6, the date of Obama’s nomination acceptance speech. These veterans and activists are sending a letter to Obama, demanding that he account for the accused whistle-blower’s abusive confinement conditions at Quantico and pardon him of the charges against him.
Michael Thurman of Iraq Veterans Against the War explained, “PFC Manning is a hero and an example to fellow soldiers. He stood up for what is right, for accountability and an informed democracy. Obama must be held to account for Bradley’s imprisonment and torture at Quantico.”
If President Obama fails to respond, veterans and activists are prepared to take action at over 26 Obama campaign offices across the United States, including major cities such as Boston, New York, Philadelphia, Tallahassee, Minneapolis, Seattle, Dallas, Oakland, and Chicago – home of Obama’s national campaign headquarters. A wide variety of organizations have joined in calling for actions on this date, including the Bradley Manning Support Network, Veterans for Peace, Iraq Veterans Against the War, Afghans for Peace, and the Alliance for Global Justice.
At Ft. Meade this week, the Government handed over 600 emails from Quantico regarding Bradley’s confinement conditions, after holding on to them for six months. On November 27, defense lawyer David Coombs will bring a motion to dismiss charges based on unlawful pretrial punishment, which UN torture chief Juan Mendez called “cruel, inhuman and degrading.” The court martial trial itself is scheduled to begin February 4, 2013 – Bradley’s 988th day in jail.


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