[Peace] lovely day for a peace demonstration today (Saturday, June 1, 2013) 2pm to 4pm

Karen Medina kmedina67 at gmail.com
Sat Jun 1 17:23:22 UTC 2013

Lovely day for a peace demonstration.
Saturday, June 1, 2013
2pm to 4pm
On all 4 corners of N. Neil Street and Main St  (aka Church St) in
downtown Champaign, Illinois

Why do we need a peace demonstration?
If you are asking this question, you definitely need to come talk to
our friendly thoughtful demonstrators.

What else is going on in the United States?
The U.S. is about to begin a military trial on a young man for
exposing U.S. war crimes.
People who exposed the crimes of the Third Reich are heroes.
Thousands of people are gathering TODAY in Washington DC in support of
Bradley Manning.
Surely we (who did not go to D.C.) can support their effort today.

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