[Peace] from Jewish Voice for Peace: Pope Francis knows why the caged bird sings

Stuart Levy via Peace peace at lists.chambana.net
Sun Jun 1 15:54:02 EDT 2014

A petition from Jewish Voice for Peace, in support of Pope Francis' 
prayer in Bethlehem at the Israeli separation wall - an expression of 
sympathy for the Palestinians which has already led to backlash.







*Action Alert*



      In Bethlehem, Pope Francis stared injustice in the face, and
      refused to look away.




Thank Pope Francis to make sure other people of conscience follow his lead.

Take Action! 


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Dear Stuart,

It was, by all accounts, an unscripted moment.

While leaving occupied Bethlehem, Pope Francis asked his driver to stop 
next to the giant wall that separates thousands of Palestinians from 
their land, their families, and their histories. He touched his forehead 
to the concrete, next to the freshly painted words “Free Palestine”, and 
bowed silently in prayer.

That simple gesture has produced an image for the ages, bursting with 
all the poignancy, humanity, and irony (for we Jews who know the 
suffering inflicted by walled ghettos) one can bear.

Now a predictable backlash has begun. Unless we speak out now and thank 
Pope Francis for his heartfelt acknowledgement of Palestinian suffering, 
the next leader who visits the West Bank will get the message that it is 
too dangerous to speak the truth.

*Click here to sign the petition: _ThankYouPopeFrancis.org_ 

As Jews, Catholics, Protestants, Muslims, atheists and so many others; 
as mothers and fathers, daughters and sons; veterans of war and 
conscientious objectors; we are united in our love for justice and 
liberation for all peoples.

We are profoundly moved by the Pope’s act of solidarity with the 
suffering of Palestinians. And we are called to join together, across 
faiths, across language, across nationality, to stand for an honest and 
painful but necessary accounting of injustice in order to create the 
conditions for a lasting peace.

*We want the Pope to hear our thanks. Click here: 

Israel says the wall where Pope Francis stood was designed to protect 
Israelis from attacks, yet some 85% of the wall’s planned 400 mile route 
is on confiscated Palestinian land —not on the Green Line. It enables 
the annexation of land for illegal settlements, and separates 
Palestinians from their land, teachers and students from schools, and 
families from each other.

In the moment Pope Francis stood for all the cameras to see, the wall 
became more than a prison wall. It became a message to the outside world 
showing clearly the reality that Israel tries to hide.

Young Palestinians who felt long forgotten by much of the world made 
this moment happen. They knew the Pope would pass by, and despite all 
efforts to stop them, managed to write the message on the wall that 
inspired the Pope to pause.

Let us remain inspired by their /sumud/—steadfastness—and let’s make 
sure the Pope knows how much his gesture meant to people all over the world.


Sydney Levy
JVP Advocacy Director

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