[Peace] United for Peace and Justice Briefing on Iraq/ Syria Crisis - Wed. June 18 - 8pm Central time

Stuart Levy via Peace peace at lists.chambana.net
Wed Jun 18 10:02:32 EDT 2014

[from UFPJ - conference call 8pm tonight - RSVP if you're planning to 
call in]

*United for Peace and Justice Briefing on Iraq/ Syria Crisis*

Phyllis Bennis, Institute for Policy Studies and Nicholas J. Sandy 
Davies, author /Blood on Our Hands /will discuss the crisis in Iraq and 
Syria and the threat of US military intervention. How can the antiwar 
movement respond?


*Wednesday, June 18,*9 pm EDT/6 pm PDT*[8PM Central time]*

Call-in Number: (712) 432-1212

Meeting ID: 446-724-667#

Please RSVP: rustiandgael at unitedforpeace.org 
<mailto:rustiandgael at unitedforpeace.org>

*As the situation in Iraq deteriorates, the "Never Learn" caucus is 
demanding US military intervention in the form of ground troops, air 
strikes, Special Operations and weapons deliveries*. The unfolding 
tragedy in Iraq is a direct consequence of the illegal American invasion 
and occupation of that country. /The least helpful idea is for the 
United States to involve itself militarily in Iraq or Syria. /US 
military intervention, whether directly or by providing arms, will 
increase the suffering of people in those countries and enhance the risk 
of a wider regional conflict.

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