[Peace] Fw: Program update: Nov 15-16 Nat'l Conference on Revolutionary Struggle Against Capitalism"

Jenifer Cartwright via Peace peace at lists.chambana.net
Tue Nov 11 12:10:33 EST 2014


Sent To: Peace-discuss. Sent BCC to Peace.

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From: Solidarity Center <internationalactioncenter.nyc at solidarityweb.com>
To: jencart13 at yahoo.com 
Sent: Tuesday, November 11, 2014 12:29 AM
Subject: Program update: Nov 15-16 Nat'l Conference on Revolutionary Struggle Against Capitalism"

Join us at a National Conference vs Capitalism Nov.15 & 16, NYC. 
View in your browser     
Workers World Party National Conference   
 2014 New York City   
Developing a Perspective & Strategy for the Struggle for Revolutionary Socialism
Register and / or Donate Online HERE

Sat., Nov. 15 8 a.m.
Registration, Coffee
9 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.:  
Plenary Sessions, Breakout Groups, Cultural presentations, Demonstrations  

Sun., Nov. 16  9 a.m. 
Registration, Coffee
10 a.m. - 2 p.m.: Plenary Sessions, Floor Discussion, Solidarity Statements, Summary,
Singing of Internationale
Sat. 4:30 pm plenary session on Ferguson Rebellion  (see details under Sat. conference schedule)

45-35 Van Dam St. & Thomson Ave., Long Island City,
Queens, NY 11101
BY CAR to Conference:
There is on street parking in the area at meters and 1 to 2 blocks from the hall there is free on street parking on weekends. Read all signs carefully.

BY SUBWAY to Conference:
Please note: the # 7 train is NOT running between Manhattan and Queens on conference weekend.
Here are options for reaching the conference from Manhattan by subway:
1. Take the N or Q train from Times Square / 42nd Street Station to
Queensboro Plaza. Transfer at to the 7 train and go one stop to 33rd St Station. Walk two blocks west to Van Dam Street, turn left. (Shortest walking distance)
2. Take the E or R train to Queens Plaza. Walk east (away from Manhattan) to the overpass across Sunnyside rail yards. The only available sidewalk will lead you to Queens Boulevard. Walk east on Queens Blvd to Van Dam St and turn right. (Walking distance ½ mile, approx 10 minutes.)
3. Take the N, Q, R, 4, 5 or 6 train to 59 Street Station in Manhattan. Exit subway and walk east to 2nd Avenue and 60th St. Take Q60 bus over bridge into Queens. Stay on bus until 33rd St. Walk two blocks west to Van Dam Street, turn left.

Subway schedules change frequently on the weekends. You can confirm your route's availability at: tripplanner.mta.info/

Go to conference Facebook page:
Pre-register at www.workers.org/wwp

Some major political themes:
2014 Party Conference 
	* The crisis & resistance in Ferguson illustrates the overall crisis of capitalism at a dead end and what is needed to challenge the violence of the state against the oppressed and working class, the role of spontaneous rebellion, and the need for organization and United Front work.
	* From Gaza to Detroit to Ferguson to the border, violence comes from the state and resistance comes from the people.
	* The ongoing uprising of low-wage workers & resistance to union-busting, privatization & cutbacks in the era of capitalist decay.
	* Clear explanation of our anti-Imperialist perspective as it relates to new U.S. imperialist adventures (Ukraine, Iraq, Syria, Hong Kong) & discussion on blows to imperialism from Venezuela to Cuba's internationalism in Africa to resistance in Gaza and rebellion in Burkina Faso.
	* Capitalism is the problem; Socialism is the answer. Revolutionary socialist theory gives us a road map to liberation. Conference schedule 
(Subject to change; updates will be provided as necessary)

 Saturday:  9 am - 11:30 am
Opening Plenary: Revolutionary perspective needed to unite our class and build a new socialist society
Special remarks by:
Ariel Hernandez Hernandez,
First Secretary, Permanent Mission of the Republic of Cuba to the United Nations
Boston School Bus Drivers Union, USW Local 8751
Palestinian speaker TBA
12 noon -1 pm Second plenary: 
Low-wage worker uprising against austerity & global capitalist crisis
1 pm -1:45 pm  Lunch
1:45 pm - 4:15 pm  Breakout groups (2 sets)
4:30 - 5:30 pm  Third plenary:
Lessons of the Ferguson Rebellion against Police Brutality
6 pm -- Protest union-busting Veolia corp., venue TBA
 Sunday:  10 -11:15 am
Fourth plenary: Workers & Oppressed of the World UNITE Against Imperialism
11:30 am -12:15 pm: Special Solidarity Statements

12:15 pm -1 pm Assembly/Open Mic

1:15 - 2 p.m.
Fifth - Closing plenary: 
Singing of the Internationale
Live streaming will be available for plenaries; Details & schedule to follow

The Capitalist System is to Blame!
Capitalism = racism, mass incarceration, police terror, endless war and occupation, unemployment, low wages and union-busting, sexism, LGBTQ bigotry, homelessness, anti-immigrant attacks, discrimination against people with disabilities.
What will it take to defeat it?

 A Conference 
  on Revolutionary Struggle 
Nov 15 & 16 in NYC

We would like to extend a special invitation to you to attend this year's Workers World Party National Conference on Nov. 15 and 16.

Why is it important to come? We are in the midst of a deepening capitalist global crisis, which has unleashed imperialist war on Iraq, Syria, Gaza, Africa and the world, and militarized racist police terror here at home. It has brought about the widespread impoverishment of the working class and oppressed peoples, many of them migrants and women, on a worldwide basis.

At the same time, we have witnessed the heroic resistance of the people, especially the youth of Ferguson, Mo., Palestine, and Ukraine - and the rising movement of low-wage workers at home and abroad.

What better time for revolutionary socialists to get together and discuss our perspectives and strategies for building a struggle for revolutionary socialism.In the words of Che Guevara: "The revolution is not an apple that falls when it is ripe. You have to make it fall."

This gathering will strengthen you politically. There, you will get a chance to talk to and meet with revolutionary socialists of all ages and nationalities from around the country.

Be prepared to not only listen, learn and discuss, but afterwards to go back to your city, town or region ready to fight for an anti-capitalist, pro-socialist future.

It is important to make plans as soon as possible as conference organizers need to arrange for adequate housing, food, day care and more. The conference will be held in the Auditorium at 45-35 Van Dam St. and Thomson Avenue in Long Island City, Queens, N.Y.

If you cannot attend, please help to sponsor through your donations those who do not have the financial means to travel, especially younger and low-income participants.
We hope to see you on Nov.15 and 16.

In solidarity,
Larry Holmes, WWP First Secretary
Sharon Black, National Committee member
Berta Joubert-Ceci, Mundo Obrero/WW newspaper Editorial Staff
Colleen Davidson, Baltimore FIST
(Fight Imperialism, Stand Together)
Register and / or Donate Online HERE     
Una invitación especial a la
56ª Conferencia Nacional 2014 del Partido Workers World / Mundo Obrero
Desarrollando perspectivas y estrategias para la lucha por el socialismo revolucionario

Queridas hermanas y hermanos,
Nos gustaría extenderle una invitación especial para que asistan a la 56ª Conferencia Nacional del Partido Workers World-Mundo Obrero el 15 y 16 de noviembre de este año.

¿Por qué es importante asistir? Estamos en medio de una creciente crisis mundial capitalista que ha desatado guerras imperialistas en Irak, Siria, Gaza, África y el mundo; que ha militarizado el terror policial racista aquí en este país. Ha traído empobrecimiento generalizado a la clase obrera y a los pueblos oprimidos a nivel mundial, muchas/os de ellos migrantes y mujeres.

Al mismo tiempo, hemos sido testigo de la heroica resistencia de los pueblos, especialmente de las/os jóvenes de Ferguson en Misuri, de Palestina, Latinoamérica y Ucrania - y el creciente movimiento de las/os trabajadores de bajos salarios en este país y en el exterior.

¿Qué mejor momento para que las/os socialistas revolucionarios nos unamos para discutir perspectivas y estrategias hacia la construcción de la lucha por el socialismo revolucionario?.
En las palabras del Che Guevara:"La revolución no es una manzana que se cae cuando está madra. Hay que hacerla caer".

Este encuentro le fortalecerá políticamente. Usted tendrá la oportunidad de hablar y reunirse con socialistas revolucionarias/os de todas las edades y nacionalidades de todo el país.
Prepárese no solo para escuchar, aprender y discutir, sino para regresar a su ciudad, región o comunidad, dispuesta/o a luchar por un futuro anti-capitalista y pro-socialista.

Es importante hacer planes lo más pronto posible ya que las/os organizadores de la conferencia deben hacer arreglos para el adecuado alojamiento, alimentación y cuido de niñas/os. La conferencia tendrá lugar en el Auditorio en la calle Van Dam núm. 45-35 y Thomson Avenue en Long Island City, Queens, NY.

Si usted no puede asistir a la conferencia, por favor ayude a patrocinar a través de sus donativos a quienes no dispongan de suficientes medios económicos para viajar, especialmente para las/os participantes más jóvenes y personas con bajos ingresos.
Esperamos verle el 15 y 16 de noviembre.

Larry Holmes
Primer Secretario del Partido Workers World-Mundo Obrero
Sharon Black
Miembro del Comité Nacional
Berta Joubert-Ceci
Miembro de la redacción, Periódico WW-Mundo Obrero
Colleen Davidson
Baltimore FIST (Luchemos contra el imperialismo, unámonos)  

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