[Peace] Action Alert, from IVAW: Tell the US to stop opposing UN resolutions on depleted uranium!

Stuart Levy via Peace peace at lists.chambana.net
Tue Oct 28 14:28:25 EDT 2014

A petition from Iraq Veterans Against the War ...

/"On November 5, a new resolution on depleted uranium weaponry will be 
introduced to the United Nations General Assembly, and the US is likely 
to attempt to shut it down."/_

_Please sign if you agree that the US should not oppose such a resolution. _

Subject: 	Time Sensitive Action Alert: Tell the US to stop opposing UN 
resolutions on depleted uranium!
Date: 	Tue, 28 Oct 2014 13:06:42 -0400 (EDT)
From: 	IVAW <feedback at ivaw.org>
Reply-To: 	feedback at ivaw.org
To: 	stuartnlevy at gmail.com

Iraq Veterans Against the War | Newsletter

Iraq Veterans Against the War | Newsletter

Iraq Veterans Against the War 
Our Work: Donate Now 
Further Reading

  * The Right to Heal Initiative
  * Iraqi Doctors Call Depleted Uranium Use 'Genocide'
  * The Cancer of Violent Extremism
  * Veteran Seeks Answers on Depleted Uranium
  * Iraq Veterans and Human Rights Attorneys Seek Information on Toxic
    Weapons Used in Iraq

Additional Resources

  * Donate
  * Contact IVAW
  * Pre-order "This Concerns Everyone," a compilation of protest songs
    on A-F records; a portion of the proceeds will help fund the Right
    to Heal Intiative

Dear Stuart,

The Iraq war was never over for Iraqi civilians and US veterans who 
continue to struggle with various forms of trauma and injury; for 
veterans and Iraqis who suffer the effects of environmental poisoning 
due to certain US munitions and burn pits of hazardous material; and for 
a growing generation of orphans and people displaced by war.

It has been over a year since the Center for Constitutional Rights (CCR) 
first filed a petition for a hearing on these issues in the 
Inter-American Court on Human Rights on behalf of Iraq Veterans Against 
the War (IVAW), the Federation of Workers' Councils and Unions in Iraq 
(FWCUI) and the Organization of Women's Freedom in Iraq (OWFI), only to 
be rejected twice. *One or our primary areas of focus has been research 
on the long-term health impacts of depleted uranium.*

Since 2007, UN resolutions have included language affirming the need for 
research on the potential harmful effects of depleted uranium as well as 
the need for disclosure of where this weaponry has been used. The 
resolutions have been passed by the vast majority of the world's 
nations, indicating a growing global concern. *Unfortunately, each year 
the U.S. has isolated itself by opposing these resolutions, alongside 
only a few other countries. Help break the silence. Tell the US to stop 
opposing UN resolutions on depleted uranium. 
Sign the petition now. 

Toxic munitions in Iraq have created enclaves across the country in 
which entire generations of children are born with severe birth defects 
- most commonly cerebral palsy. Many of the mothers have been widowed by 
war and are struggle to care for children with special needs in a nation 
poor access to medical care and very little support. One of the toxic 
munitions suspected of contributing to this incredible public health 
crisis is depleted uranium. In order to determine its impact and prevent 
this issue from continuing, more research with international oversight 
must be conducted, but the United States continually prevents this from 
happening. What could our government be hiding?

*This petition could not be more timely.* The Obama adminstration is 
attempting to justify military intervention in Iraq by claiming that it 
is on behalf of the human rights and right to self-determination of the 
people of Iraq. _Meanwhile, on November 5, a new resolution on depleted 
uranium weaponry will be introduced to the United Nations General 
Assembly, and the US is likely to attempt to shut it down._ *The United 
States has a responsibility to support this resolution. We only have a 
few more hours to get about 500 more signatures to reach our overall 
goal of 20,000. Help break the silence on depleted uranium and stand up 
for the human rights of Iraqis in this time of crisis. 
Sign the petition now. 

Thank you for your commitment to this issue and for your ongoing support 
of our work.

In Solidarity,

Maggie, Matt, Iram and Joyce
IVAW Staff

Iraq Veterans Against the War is a 501(c)(3) charity,
and welcomes your tax deductible contributions 
Donate Now 

P.O. Box 3565, New York, NY 10008. All Right Reserved. | Unsubscribe 
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