[Peace] initial signers sought: Respect UN, Drop US Espionage Case Against Assange

Robert Naiman naiman at justforeignpolicy.org
Fri Feb 5 15:19:17 EST 2016

We're planning to do a MoveOn petition calling on the US government to drop
its investigation and threats of prosecution against Julian Assange and
WikiLeaks in light of the UN decision that Assange is arbitrarily detained
in London.

Here is the petition text:

"Following the decision of the UN working group on arbitrary detention that
WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange is being arbitrarily detained in London,
we call on the U.S. government to drop all threats of prosecution against
Assange and WikiLeaks for publishing U.S. government documents, and to
commit to not seek Assange's extradition to the United States."

We would like to have some "initial signers" on our petition. If you'd like
to be an "initial signer," please fill out the google form here with your
name and ID.


Feel free to forward this where appropriate. Once we have some initial
list, the petition will go live and we'll stop adding people by hand -
after that people can sign the petition normally online.


Robert Naiman
Policy Director
Just Foreign Policy
naiman at justforeignpolicy.org
(202) 448-2898 x1
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