[Peace] Tonight's debate

C. G. Estabrook carl at newsfromneptune.com
Tue Sep 27 04:37:08 UTC 2016

Style: I think J. St. Clair of CounterPunch had it right: "If this was a fight, Trump probably would have won on points as the aggressor. But probably missed twice as many punches as he landed. Hillary was flat-footed, defending failed policies, offering little more than policy papers."

Substance: Trump attacked Clinton's neoliberalism (trade pacts from NAFTA to TPP) and her neoconservatism (wars in MENA from Iraq to Libya and Syria). His are the policies that resonate with most Americans; the Clinton camp knows that - and are afraid.

[Friends’ comments on style: “Trump won the early rounds and then it was a pathetic draw.” "My favorite moment was when she made a sales pitch for her book [which is not doing well at all].”] [Friends’ comment on substance: “Trump said that he was opposed to nuclear first strike, which Obama has refused to say.”]


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