[Peace] Fwd: A major issue of concern for all

Karen Aram karenaram at hotmail.com
Tue Feb 27 12:35:45 UTC 2018

> After 17 years we have invaded and murdered millions, destroying 7 nations, with our wars of imperialism and hegemony. Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria, Yemen, Somalia, plus Pakistan, and we now threaten North Korea, and all those in Asia with our nuclear weapons. We have set up military bases across the continent of Africa, and we’re on the verge of doing the same in our quest for regime change in Venezuela, as we did in El Salvador, and Nicaragua in the 80’s. 
> To the rest of the world, there is no anti-war movement in America, its considered dead, we need to prove them wrong, we need to prove we do care about the lives of others.
> The lack of appropriate healthcare, with costs bankrupting many, the lack of jobs, or a decent minimum wage is a severe threat to millions within our own nation. 
> Add to this the recent tax increase for most working people in the US, providing a huge bonus for the wealthy, with plans to destroy Medicaid, Medicare and Social Security, and more millions going to create more weapons of death, we are marching to the precipice of doom. 
> Here in Champaign, a couple hours drive south of Chicago, the University Graduate Employees Organization is on strike, for the rights of not just themselves, but for future generations.They have refused to capitulate to an Administration that takes home in addition to six figure salaries, bonuses in the hundreds of thousands. All these young grad employees are asking for is a “contract” “tuition wavers” given they are paid below COL for this community. Instead the Provost wants to increase fees and force graduate employees to pay out of pocket to serve the students.
> The GEO have been asking nicely, and gotten no where, they have attempted to negotiate, while being rudely rejected at every turn, they have been offered tuition wavers for themselves now, but not for future workers. They have stood strong, on behalf of the future. 
> Some of us within the community join them on the picket lines daily, in solidarity, because we know this is just the beginning of the crushing of public unions across the nation. We know that being “nice” gets us no where with those who are so lacking in humanity and concern for human rights, that we must take action. Nonviolent action, but strong unrelenting action as was done in the sixties and seventies. Our leaders eventually did listen to us then, we may not be so lucky now, but with climate change on our doorstep, and no action preventing it from further destruction, we cannot compromise. 

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