Karen Aram karenaram at hotmail.com
Thu Nov 22 14:56:42 UTC 2018

For those who keep reminding me, that I am always focusing on "dire and doom." Yes, as a warning, because to do nothing results in "horror." Horror beyond anything imaginable, for many. Just read an account of recent events in Paradise, California, just one such horror. Look at the devastation wrought on Iraq, or Syria, the suffering in Yemen.

Staying in our cocoons of "comfort" or "anxiety" due to personal issues solves nothing. Burying our heads in the sand solves nothing, allowing ourselves to be distracted by entertainment, or the lovely, solves nothing. Focus on the "self" solves nothing.

The solution lies in uniting with others, organizing and confronting our corporate owned government, "demanding" change. The alternative is already before us:

"Vast popular hardship and suffering, on the one hand, and almost indescribable wealth and social indifference, on the other. Two parties of the corporate oligarchy, dedicated to war and political reaction. The impossible economic and political conditions must produce sooner rather than later the greatest social upheavals in American history."
By David Walsh* * * * *
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