[Peace] Protest today

Karen Aram karenaram at hotmail.com
Sat Oct 27 14:48:21 UTC 2018

***11am: Pancake breakfast at the Flyover (214 N. Washington St.)

1pm: Meetup for carpools at the Flyover

2pm: Caravan to Southern Illinois Airport***


This Saturday, a monstrous and unwelcome person is going to speak at the airport in Murphysboro and you have decided to protest. Perhaps this will be your first or maybe you have marched before. However, something feels different this time. You may feel a sense of dread, or hopelessness, or fear, or even righteous rage hinting at your power. Probably an unsettling combination within. Something is wrong and you have decided to tell someone about it and that so-called person is Donald J. Trump. Good for you!

But this won't be just another protest. Protests are not enough, and we don't have any time left to waste: we in southern Illinois need to immediately begin organizing ourselves to address the crises we face on all fronts, from climate change to mass incarceration; from poverty to racism; and from patriarchy to the opioid crisis.

Dozens of groups and individuals have reached out for information and for comfort. We at Carbondale Solidarity Network hope to provide exactly that. We aim to serve you and commune with you. Dozens of groups and individuals have reached out in our communities for unifying leadership. We at Carbondale Solidarity Network hear that call and love you for it. However, we respectfully turn to you and say we can't be leaders, as every person must find the capacities within and use those talents as a gift to each other.

We at Carbondale Solidarity Network want to empower those who have said enough is enough to use this day to help build a movement. Find those who you share affinity, with whose plans and desires match your own. Activate those desires on Saturday, knowing that we will all be unified in our humanity and our struggle for change.

We believe action under such stress and pressure requires a holistic approach. Please join us for Pancakes and Protest 101, where safety tips will be shared and carbs consumed. From here, you can caravan to the Southern Illinois Airport. Upon arrival, expect to be placed inside of a "Free Speech Zone," a dastardly designed mechanism that oppresses the very value it claims to uphold. Here, there will be multiple means of support: Legal Observers, Medics, security support, sources of communication, and allies dedicated to the comfort of all involved.

As for ourselves; we will be organizing a few actions to practice and demonstrate the future we need. We will take a first step toward addressing the opioid crisis, which is killing people regardless of their political affiliation. We will have trainers on-hand conducting workshops in administering Nalaxone, an opioid overdose antidote, and introducing a harm-reduction approach to addiction treatment. With a little training, anyone can save the life of someone overdosing from opioids, and our aim is to make that training and that life-saving drug as widely available in Little Egypt as possible. We will be conducting these trainngs at the protest site at the Southern Illinois Airport, and have doses of Nalaxone available at the Flyover Social Center for those who attended the trainings. We will also offer deescalation techniques and practice sessions at the protest. The goal with these is to introduce and further understanding of safety and how our common humanity affects it.

This demonstration is a time for us to meet and organize. There will be speakers focusing on transgender rights, on immigrants, on the fascist creep, nay current, that this unwelcomed visitor brings everywhere he goes. We encourage people to bring water and snacks to share, and to use this time to meet members of our community who share their outrage at this re-emergent fascist movement.

Neither the Republicans nor the Democrats are going to save us. We need to lose hope in politicians, and find it in ourselves. Please join us on Saturday for a day of events oriented toward organizing ourselves in the face of a world gone crazy.

11am: Pancake breakfast at the Flyover (214 N. Washington St.)

1pm: Meetup for carpools at the Flyover

2pm: Caravan to Southern Illinois Airport

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[Image may contain: 6 people, people smiling, people standing]
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100 signs ready to go for tomorrow!


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[Karen Aram]
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