[Peace] My response to NFN yesterday. I pasted it on the NFN Utube page.

Karen Aram karenaram at hotmail.com
Sat Oct 27 22:10:43 UTC 2018

David: Why quote Louis Proyect, he is a wolf in sheeps’ clothing. “Unrepentant Marxist” my foot, and he is not the only one. A true socialist has no problem recognizing Khashoggi is not a "kind or good" man.  Carl: your statement that Rosa Luxembourg was murdered by socialists is a bit disingenuous, given she was murdered by Social Democratic leader Friedrich Ebert, who ordered a division of the German military, known as the Freikorps. Rosa Luxemburg, with Karl Liebknecht, organized a strong movement in Germany with these views, but was imprisoned and, after her release, killed at Eberts instructions, for her work during the failed German Revolution of 1919 - a revolution which the German Social Democratic Party, violently opposed.

David: I too was outraged over Rula Jabreal’s spin on Kashoggi, on Democracy Now, and posted on my FB page, the following statement to which many were in agreement:

Evening rant: Democracy Now, this morning with Rula Jabreal speaking of her recent interview with Jamal Kashoggi, made me ill. Her portrait of him as a "kind man, wanting democracy and human rights blah, blah for his people." And, Amy never said a word. This "kind man" as she referred to him, was tortured, murdered, dismembered and buried in the Embassy/Consulate grounds. However, he supported the KSA in their war efforts, specifically in Yemen. No one deserves to die as he did, certainly none of the Yemeni civilians who have been dying in record numbers since March 2015 due to US and Saudi efforts. Their bodies aren't even buried, just left to rot in the rubble from the Saudi bombings, which take place only with USG support, our weapons, our training, logistics, refueling etc.

MBS the new guy responsible for J. Kashoggi's death, visited the US after his coup, with our ruling elites, especially the Trump Administration, promoting him as a reformer, because he planned to allow Saudi women the right to drive. This was proven to be a facade, when he had the woman leading the call for driving privileges, incarcerated. A protestor, also a woman was beheaded recently, for some minor infraction, like speaking out against abuse by the gov.. The Saudi's are brutal leaders, treating their people with utter disdain, allowing absolutely no challenge to their authority.

The Saudi Royal family is a US construct, supported by us, since WW2 as "our dictators." "Pseudo journalists" like Rula, Amy and others supported by our ruling elites are playing politics, and its looking quite obvious, to have something to do with upcoming elections. As despicable as the Republicans are, the Democrats within the Beltway are no better, playing good cop, bad cop. I do vote for local Democrats, but recognize how unimportant and corrupt elections are, if only because mainstream media has been bought, and the people have been blinded.
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